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Showing posts with label #SchoolYearEnds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SchoolYearEnds. Show all posts

Last Week of School Year 2019-2020


Today marks the last week for the school year 2019-2020. It’s a very odd way to end the school year for the students, faculty, staff, and administrations in each States, from the normal and usual ways they ended the year. There are so many activities that were canceled, may be postponed (not really sure of what’s going on) due to the CoVid-19 Pandemic and this will also mark in the history of the world as well as recorded in the book of the generation. This year 2020 has not a very good year for the whole world, there are so many things happened and still happening. After the Pandemic, there is a movement or a protest rally for rights in other states or I say most states. I have not really seen one here in my area though. I figured, I luckily live in a place that doesn’t have so many protesters and no violence happening, and we wanted it that way. We can always find justice in a peaceful way for those victims, without creating more trouble.

But I am not here to discuss that, I am here to discuss my stances about the unusual closing of the School Year 2020.

I bet it is totally different from some students to not see their teachers, classmates to end the year without the normal routine they’ve been doing. I have received and read my 4th Grader’s last week assignment as well as received my UPK packets for the whole week.

Based from my 4th Grader and Pre-K students, I have asked them how they feel about this year’s class ending.
From a 4th Grader: nothing really, and he likes the remote learning too.
From a UPK: no comment, and would like to be homeschooled.

As for cafeteria staff, I would miss those students who eat breakfast that I won’t be able to see for the next School Year. Sad to not tell these individual “Congratulations” and sore high wishes, because we won’t be back to this year again.
And for the packed meals, we will continue to provide packed meals for the students until June 26. However, the paycheck will have a bit changes after the 12th of June (this month).

I am not sure if we will continue to prepare these meals, depends on what our Governor Cuomo decides and order. But if that happens, I signed up for working every Tuesday only. I love the crew; we do work fast and efficiently.

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