Showing posts with label Black Belle Shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Belle Shop. Show all posts



If you haven't gone yet, please visit my, now open, online shop!
Click the button below to be taken there.

It is still under construction, as I am still getting the whole look put together...
But now there is a secure way to purchase the items you like!

I am adding this new Melody Wrap.
It's similar to the Jill Wrap only more "stream-lined".
I have worn this out and about and LOVE it!
I didn't expect it to keep me as cozy as it did!
(I'm surprising myself...)
Anyway, here it is:

And one more for laughs:
My neighbors were making out in their backyard....
And my mother kept snapping away as I pulled this face.
Flattering, huh?

Visit my Linky-Party Directory to see where I am linking this.
And if your linky party is not listed because I have not linked there, please feel free to add it! :)

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