Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts


Lucky Bits Tutorial

Yesterday, I showed you guys our new little Lucky Bits jar that went by our door:

Well, here is the promised tutorial on how to make those Lucky Bits!

You will need:
Wood scrap
Bottle Caps
Decorative papers
Little sticker backed gems
circle punch or scissors, if you are that skilled

Let's get started!
First Take a bottle cap and place it flat side down

Take your wood scrap and place it over your bottle cap and hammer away
The edges will start to curl over

You should have something like this on the left
Original on the right

Ok.  At this point I would suggest painting them copper
I didn't and did it later.  It wasn't impossible but if you have not so steady hands, do it now.

Cut out your decorative papers with a paper punch or scissors
A 1 inch punch worked perfect

I did a a few different patterns

Now, slap some Modge Podge into the well of the bottle cap and put a little paper disc in
 Modge Podge over it.

Let them dry
At this point add your little gem embellishments
A certain little leprechaun informed me that I didn't put them in until I had started the next step
Not really a big deal, but do it now before you go further.

Take your dimensional Magic and DO NOT SHAKE IT, you will get air bubbles
You don't want air bubbles.
Fill up the little well over your Modge Podged paper
It will be cloudy, but in a few hours, it will be clear and hard to the touch

This is what you get when you have them all finished and dried
with some other little bits, as well

Have your little leprechaun kiss each little bit for good luck

I did the lid to the jar, the same way, just on a little bit bigger scale
I used orange glitter paper and metallic green acrylic paint for the letters
A little ribbon hot glued on and it is finished

As you can see, I also couldn't wait another little while for the whole thing to dry
You can see the cloudy stripe; its not all the way dry
I did set it level and let it dry all the way :)

Hope you could all follow my tutorial!
See you tomorrow for the
Making It With Allie Party!

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Video Killed The Radio Star

You might be a craft addict if:
Your hot glue gun is generally on, just in case you might need it. Right. Now...

So, last night we were having some fun family time -still dressing the last tree...
When little AuBrynne decided to sing along to the songs playing.
She grabbed the dog's brush and started to use it for a microphone.

Well, it dawned on me that she could have a much cuter one -REALLY fast!
I had just finished a roll of 6" tulle, so I pulled the ends off of it and hot glued some ribbon on.
Then took one of the unbreakable christmas ornaments and hot glued it in one end -hook side in.
And that was it!
It literally took 90 seconds! IF!
And it made her WAY happy!

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Please Feel Free To Add It! :)

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Making It With Allie - Extreme Bling Boots -The Tutorial

Yay! It's Thursday! Which means it's Making it With Allie Linky Party!
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For my submission to the party, I am submitting the tutorial on how to make these
Extreme Bling Boots

Now, I am going to preface this with 2 points:
First, this is a pretty long process.
Second, These are Costume Boots, Not boots for any kind of "weather"

You will need:
Pair of Foam style flip-flops
Slurpee Lid
Muslin Fabric for mock up
Woven fabric
Extreme Glitter Paint in coordinating color to fabric
Interfacing (fairly stiff stuff)
Iron on Vinyl
Contact Cement, NOT Rubber Cement, as RC will not work, trust me!

Take a breath!
Ok. Here it goes:

1: Cut your Slurpee Lit in half and cut off the ridged lip.
2: Secure one to the front lip of your Flip-flop
3: Wrap your little one in her flip flop and wrap 3-4 layers of Saran wrap
4: then 3-4 layers of duct-tape
5: Very carefully cut off the Duct-tape boot
6: Remove shoe and finish cutting through back side of the boot.
Measure that length and use it for a reference through the making of the rest of the boot.

1: Tape up the back seam to stabilize the boot.  This is now your form.
2: Begin draping and pinning your muslin fabric onto your form.
Try to keep the grain perpendicular at the front center line of the boot
3: Pull and stretch and pin your muslin till you have a 90% smooth surface
That other 10% will get fixed shortly
4: Mark your grain line and back seams on the bottom piece.
5: Mark and then cut the bottom of the shoe line
Mark the line at the ankle where you cut off the lower fabric excess.

1: On the upper piece, begin draping again; keeping the grain line vertical at the center line
2: Cut off the excess at the same line you cut off the lower excess
3: Pin all the way around to back opening
4: Layout your muslin pieces.
Make an extra set that is a mirror of the original.
5: Take one set and sew them together, lower to upper to see how it fits on your form.
6: See the excess at the toe? Pin that together and sew it.  It should end up as an arc.

1: Pin it onto your form for one last fit.  It should fit pretty snugly. 
 If there is excess fabric, pinch and sew it. But that should really only be done at seam lines.
2: Cut out your fabric pieces, two of each upper and lowers (mirrors and not mirrors)
3: Cut and apply your interfacing.
4: Paint 3 to 4 layers, depending on how Glittery you want your boots, onto your fabric.
Let it get COMPLETELY dry between each layer.

1: Cut out your Iron on Vinyl. Apply it according to the directions on the package.
**Be Careful not to get your hot iron onto painted fabric or onto vinyl**
2: You should end up with this cool plasticized fabric
3: Clip your curves so that you can sew the seam together more easy
4: You should have something like the above pic

1: Apply your Contact cement to your Slurpee lid and then to the lip of your flip-flop.
Let them sit for fifteen minutes or so, then smoosh them together
2: Sew on some bias tape (same fabric you used only unpainted) to the back edge
3: Mark and make your grommet holes; Slip in the front grommet piece
4: Slip on the back ring
5: Crimp them together
6: You will have this, repeat with all your grommets

Then all you have to do is lace them up!
I used Ribbon.

And that, friends, is how you make the boots from this costume!

So, if ANY of this is unclear, please do not hesitate to drop me a message with your question, because clearly, I am not good at this tutorial business! But I will work on it :)

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Now it's your turn!
I can not wait to see what you all have been up to this week!
It doesn't have to be a tutorial, but if it is, that's great too!
Grab a button and place it somewhere on your blog, I'm not picky!
Or even a text link is cool too!
Link up your direct post link to however many projects you like!
The more the merrier!
Visit some other links and give'em some luv! Leave them some kind words!
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Go on Link It  Up!

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