One more Valentine project...
A while back we were killing time at Walmart and I saw these little white t-shirts for 50 cents!!
I can't make her little white t's for that... in the cart, a handful of them.
So what if they look like a 12 year old stitched them together...
I could make them look adorable!
So, I got my Cricut and some freezer paper out.
I cut out a tattoo-heart and then ironed it to the t-shirt.
Then I took another piece and ironed it onto the back side of the t-shirt.
This way, none of the paint would wick or run.
Then I pulled out my favorite pearlized pink acrylic paint and some textile medium and mixed them up.
Then I took a sponge brush and sponged it onto the shirt.
After it tried, I pulled off the freezer paper off and ironed it to set it.
I had some extra peachskin fabric and attached a skirt.
Before I could even get her out the door for a picture,
AuBrynne insisted the dress needed one more thing!
I laughed and said What?
She ran and got a little bolero in pink and said, See?! It matches perfect!
Goodness, I love my little fashion-maven!
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