In order to assess and improve library services, we request your input on various library features and services at The survey will take between 5-10 minutes to complete. The survey will run from today (October 16th) through midnight on Friday, October 27th. We hope that your responses will help us better respond to your library needs.
The names of those who participate will be entered into a raffle for an iPod shuffle.
The winner will be announced on Wednesday, November 1st at 9 a.m. on this blog.
Please note: We are using an online survey instrument called Survey Monkey, and you do need to enter your name at the end in order to be entered into the raffle. When presented with the survey results, we will see all of the names in just one long listing, which will be printed and cut up for the raffle. In other words, we will not link your name with your responses. There is a mechanism to make the correlation, though, and I do want to disclose that up-front. We have no interest in nor will we use that mechanism, but for those of you concerned about absolute anonymity, there is a paper option at the circulation desk. Please read and follow the instructions.
Also note, you may not enter more than once. Those who submit names more than once will be automatically disqualified from the drawing. Only current Hofstra law students are eligible for the raffle.
Summaries of various survey questions or suggestions will be posted on the blog throughout the week of October 30th, along with any library responses.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat