Showing posts with label career advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label career advice. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

New Lawyer Tips for Success

Above the Law recently posted an article that gives new lawyers the inside track on success when first starting out at a firm.  These are the kind of tips that many new lawyers wish someone had told them before they had to find out the hard way. (Never go near the office of the managing attorney without a yellow legal pad in your hand was my own "new lawyer" lesson learned.)

10 Things Your Law Firm Boss Wants You To Know, but Isn't Going to Tell You is a quick read of small things that seem obvious...but are not. The article also references Greenhorn Legal, a company that regularly posts a New Lawyer Tip of the Week on their blog and also posts real world legal tales of horror by the (formerly new) lawyers that suffered through them.  An example? The Disaster Stories Part IV: Using Social Media Irresponsibly

The blog's author, Desiree Moore, has written a book that explain the unspoken rules to surviving in a law firm as a new lawyer.  Find Thrive : a new lawyer's guide to law firm practice by DesirĂ©e Moore at the Hofstra Law Library.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Law Firm Pronunciation Guide

When the conversation in the Library this week isn't about exams, it's about jobs. Here's something new to eliminate at least some of the job search stress facing law students. You no longer have to fear mispronouncing the names of prospective employers such as Sughrue Mion PLLC, Gardere Wynne Sewell, LLP, and hundreds of others. Georgetown Law's Office of Career Services has just launched their Law Firm Pronunciation Guide.  Click on any firm name in the list to hear an MP3 audio file with the correct pronunciation before you set out for that interview. 

Acknowledgment to Legal Blog Watch.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Achieving Your Career Goals Through Social Media

More than ever, social media is being used by employers to determine who you really are and what you are really like outside of "the interview."  While there are many horror stories detailing what NOT to do (don't post indiscreet pictures on Facebook, don't tweet about how well your interview is going while it is actually going on, etc.), there are ways to make social media work for you.

8 Ways to Meet Your Professional Goals Using Social Media has a list of recommended ways to boost your social profile the right way and kick start your legal career.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interview Guide for Law Students

The New York Law Journal recently published an article entitled "A Step-by-Step Interview Guide for Law Students." This helpful guide outlines an interview plan with an emphasis on understanding the student's career endeavors, developing a focus, and how to effectively navigate the interview process with useful interview tips. Read the full guide here.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Now, For Some Real World Advice...

"What Would You Tell a Law Student Before They Enter the 'Real World'?" That was the question posed by this week's Elephant Post on Three Geeks and a Law Blog. Answers were solicited from practitioner experts, all speaking from their various law practice perspectives: client service; human resources; small firm and solo; information technology; business and career development; and (of course) library. As you think about your next job, your skills, your strategies and your future success, take a few minutes to read this practical advice from the trenches.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Interview Tips

The Career Center has posted the first of 12 articles containing interview tips. The tips in this first article should not be new to most attorneys, both new and old, but it never hurts to remind one's self.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Monday, March 09, 2009

The Glass Hammer

The Glass Hammer is a great blog dedicated to issues relevant to women in the legal and business professions. The articles offer useful advice and insight to women navigating their careers and the blog is updated frequently. Recent articles have discussed the "mommy penalty", handling sexual harassment and the recession. You can also sign up at the Glass Hammer network and join discussions with other professional women.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Sunday, May 11, 2008