Saturday, January 24, 2009

The New Congress in Profile

With so much media attention on the new President in the past week, it's easy to forget that we also have a Congress in transition. Membership of the 111th Congress: A Profile is a brief Congressional Research Service (CRS) report that provides a fascinating snapshot of the new House and Senate membership by selected category--age, gender, ethnicity, education, religion, prior occupation (from NFL football player to casino dealer), foreign birth and military service. Check it out.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Friday, January 23, 2009

The new White House on the Web

As of shortly after noon on Tuesday, President Obama joined me in the virtual world and presented a totally new web site. On that site you can find the new executive orders issued , including the closure of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facilities. You will also find press briefings and the White House's very own blog. I'm so proud to share space with our new President. We can also look forward to President Obama's weekly Saturday morning video addresses. And, in case you get nostalgic, you can view a slideshow of all of the past presidents.

Check back in this space for more web developments from the new administration.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How To Do Statistical Research

As a follow-up to last Thursday's post about the 2009 Statistical Abstract of the United States, here is an excellent tutorial from American University that teaches the concepts involved in basic statistical research.

Because even disciplines such as legal analysis increasingly require a quantitative approach, the tutorial linked above should be of value to those who wish to learn the fundamentals of statistical research. The tutorial covers such concepts as construct validity, informational availability, and data types.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States: Barack Obama

Did you miss the inauguration events? You can view here on CNN a number of videos, other news and additional inauguration activities.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Sunday, January 18, 2009


The National Law Journal reports that the bar examiners in up to 19 states are considering incrementally implementing a Uniform Bar Exam. In the story, the chairwoman of the New York State Board of Law Examiners says that New York would consider using such an exam, which could offer attorneys greater mobility. Of course, no one is talking about implementing a UBE for this summer's exam.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Introducing "Obama's People"

Inauguration Day is almost here. Along with a new president, a whole new group of powerful cabinet members, lawmakers, White House staff and presidential advisers will be making their mark on the news and the direction of the country. An easy way to get acquainted with them is by visiting the New York Times online, where you will find "Obama's People,"a gallery of 52 engaging photos with brief biographies taken from a special inauguration issue of the New York Times Magazine. This special photo portfolio is memorable in capturing the style, personalities and backgrounds of key members of the new administration--from the incoming Attorney General to the White House trip director. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Friday, January 16, 2009

Martin Luther King Day hours

Yes, the Library is open on Martin Luther King day. Our hours are 10am - 6pm. A reference librarian will be here during those hours as well.

Stay warm!! I plan to get to know the Library radiators very well. We virtual world inhabitants feel the cold too.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Library Fine and Borrowing Policy

To better serve the Hofstra Law School Community, there will be a change in the Library's fine and borrowing policies. Effective February 1, 2009, borrowing privileges may be revoked once a patron has accumulated at least $25 in unpaid fines. Remember to return borrowed materials in a timely manner to avoid the accumulation of fines and your ability to check out additional materials.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

2009 Statistical Abstract of the United States

The 2009 version of the Statistical Abstract of the United States is now online.

According to the United States Census Bureau’s Web page, which hosts the document, the Statistical Abstract of the United States “is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States”. Sources of data include the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, as well as many other Federal agencies and private organizations.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Word of the Year is "Bailout"

The American Dialect Society recently released the 19th annual words of the year vote. This year the word is "bailout". Word of the Year is interpreted in its broader sense as “vocabulary item”—not just words but phrases. The words or phrases do not have to be brand-new, but they have to be newly prominent or notable in the past year, in the manner of Time magazine’s Person of the Year.

This is a fun way to review notable events and perceptions of the previous year, what words and / or phrases are remembered. You should look at the list for all of the words nominated. Will admit that IMHO 2008 does not beat the word of the year for 2005 "truthiness"

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat