The emerging legal field of fashion law will soon have its own academic institute. Fordham University School of Law will officially launch on September 8 its unique Fashion Law Institute, "the world's first fashion law center." The Institute was established to provide legal assistance to designers and to train lawyers for the fashion industry, with its special issues in intellectual property law, business and finance. The Fashion Law Institute will be directed by Professor Susan Scafidi , who taught the first course in fashion law in the United States. The new law center benefits from partial funding and support from the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) and its president, Diane von Furstenberg.
Those wanting to stay current with issues and developments in fashion law should also check out Professor Scafidi's blog, Counterfeit Chic.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
WELCOME to all the new first year students!! I am Ernster, your virtual feline guide to what's happening in the Library, and around the web. I prowl the Library and the web to bring you news in the Library and for great recommendations for web sites to visit.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
AND . . . to all students - please post your comments. Let me know what you like, what you what like to see changed and any ideas you have for the Library. Like my furry brethren, I am curious and what to know what you think.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Giant Penguins Once Roamed The Peruvian Desert
Yes, you read correctly: Giant penguins. Before beginning the rigors of first-year orientation, or the return to classes for upper-year students (and before our posts resume with more consistently serious and law-related subjects), take a break and read all about the prehistoric penguins here.
Monday, August 09, 2010
Cultivating good habits
Actually, I want to send you to a blog post titled "Uprooting Noxious Habits in the Workplace". It is talking about a work environment but the 5 habits discussed occur in other settings including law school. The 5 habits listed in this post are:
Thanks to for the article and the references.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
- The "but" shutdown
- Speaking when angry
- Failing to give proper recognition
- Not listening
- An excessive need to be "me"
Thanks to for the article and the references.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Your Law School or Your Grades: Which Matters More for Success?
It may not have received the media attention that a new Supreme Court justice attracts, but a study was released last week that may be more personally relevant to current law students. According to a post in the Wall Street Journal Law Blog, a new paper, authored by two law professors, challenges the conventional wisdom that to make it big in the legal profession, your grades don't matter as much as the prestige of the law school you attend. Take a look at "The Secret of My Success: How Status, Prestige and School Performance Shape Legal Careers" and judge the authors' conclusions for yourself.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Friday, August 06, 2010
Week in Review
It has been a great week-long nap.
Now that I have stretched, I see I have missed a few big events. First, Elena Kagan has been confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court and will be the fourth women to serve on the nation's highest bench. Get details and follow developments on SCOTUS Blog under Kagan Resources .
Of course the other big event I slept through this week is the California District Court decision on same sex marriage. You can read and download the opinion here .
Finally, closer to home, check the Reference Librarians' Hours calendar for next week's hours. We will be extending hours as Orientation for new students approaches.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Martian Sundial
Following our post last week about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, here is a link to information about the first-ever* interplanetary sundial, which will also be on Mars. Among its other tasks, this Martian sundial will calibrate Pancam, the panoramic camera on the Mars Exploration Rovers.
*so far as we know! ;-)
Ernster, the Virtual Library CatTuesday, July 27, 2010
A new way to use and search the Federal Register is now available for free at It has the appearance of a news source. The current issue (previous day's activities) is the front page and there is a browse by date. Content may be browsed by notices, proposed rules, final rules, presidential documents, subject, agency or "What's Hot". You do have to scroll a little to see all the features but not too much. It is a clean accessible site that is easy to use.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Practical Law Company
Practical Law Company is currently offering free accounts to law students. PLC offers useful practice commentaries, checklists, and forms for attorneys. PLC is well-known in the UK, but they have just started to offer content for U.S. attorneys. Their U.S. content is strictly for transactional attorneys and it is mostly in corporate and securities law. Current summer associates and students who plan to go into transactional work should consider opening PLC accounts and exploring this content.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Saturday, July 24, 2010
New York Bar Exam Stories
It's cool and comfortable here in the library, but even a virtual feline can't help noticing that the stress-filled final days before the New York Bar Exam are here. Bar exam stories (great for a quick study break) are all over the web, but there's a particularly interesting blog post about some "legendary screw-ups" made in past years--not by those taking the New York exam, but by the system examining them. "Bar Exam Horror Stories (A Round-Up From Years Gone By)" was put together by attorney Eric Turkewitz, author of the New York Personal Injury Law Blog, who was personally involved in one of these snafus. As he notes, there is a lesson here for all future attorneys.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
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