Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Legally Thanksgiving

What's controversial about Thanksgiving? Well, the date used to be. The timing of this celebration as a legal holiday under the U.S. Constitution was anything but consistent between George Washington, who proclaimed the first one, and December 1941, when Congress finally settled on the fourth Thursday in November as the federal holiday. The National Archives covers the twists and turns of legal Thanksgiving history, with some photos and original documents available here.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Library Access During Thanksgiving Holiday - Reminder

Wednesday, November 23: The library will close at 7:30.

Thursday, November 24: Closed -- No access

Friday, November 25: Closed -- No access

Saturday, November 26: There will be SWIPE CARD ACCESS 8A.M.-10A.M.

Regular Hours resume Nov. 26, 10A.M.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Sunday, November 20, 2011

HeinOnline App User’s Guide

If you have taken advantage of the free HeinOnline app and have some questions about it or want to learn more then you will find their recently published "App User Guide" very helpful. The guide provides quick information on how to access content by citation, browse by volume, navigate a volume with the electronic table of contents, how to use full advanced searching techniques and more. To access the guide click here and to learn how to access the app from your device click here.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Week Hours

It is almost time to be thankful for our good fortune and abundance - not to mention eat a bird! (Apologies to vegetarians and ornithologists, but I AM A CAT, after all.)

So, to accomplish all of the above, the Reference Librarians and the Library will have an abbreviated schedule next week as follows:

Reference Desk Hours:
Mon., Nov 21 - 9am - 5pm
Tues. Nov. 22 - 9am - 9pm
Wed. Nov. 23 - 9am - 5pm**
Thurs. Nov. 24 - LIBRARY CLOSED**
Fri. Nov. 25 - LIBRARY CLOSED**
Sat. Nov. 26 - No Reference Librarian
Sun. Nov. 27 - 12pm - 8pm

**LIBRARY CLOSED-NO SWIPE CARD ACCESS - Wed., Nov. 23, 7:30pm P.M. – Sat., Nov. 26, 8:00 A.M.

There will be SWIPE CARD ACCESS Saturday, Nov. 26, 8A.M.-10A.M.

Regular Hours resume Nov. 26, 10A.M.

Have a Happy Turkey Day!

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Municipal Codes: Municode Library

Municode Library is an alternative source for finding municipal codes and ordinances online. Just click the state on the map, and then the link to the municipal code you are seeking.

New York offerings on Municode are a little thin, but the site remains a worthwhile alternative source for municipal codes and local law.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Daily Chart

While prowling the Web I came across a blog that is both fun and enlightening while providing key facts and statistics that illustrate current world issues. The Economist blog, Daily Chart, is true to its name and provides a graph or chart to illustrate the topic of the day. It also cites the sources behind the graphics, many of which are useful for law student seminar papers. Recent posts have offered a graphical view of subjects as diverse as the distribution of corporate wealth, world population growth, trends in U.S. city murder rates, and the world's leaning buildings. Of course, a few minutes with Daily Chart also makes a great study break.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Civil war: a Marvel Comics event

Exam period is near. Take a study break to consider the legal issues that arise in Marvel Universe when Capital Hill proposes that all costumed heroes unmask themselves before the government! In Civil war: a Marvel Comics event, superheroes clash with one other as they struggle towards a decision that will change the Marvel Universe ... forever!

Civil war is located in the library's reserve collection, ask for it at the the circulation desk.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Monday, November 14, 2011

Message from Hofstra Law IT

This is the text of an email sent from Dean Moore earlier today:

Attention All Students;

It has come to our attention that some of you may not know how to access your class podcasts. This week, we will be promoting our iTunesU podcast site. Today, Monday November 14 and Wednesday, November 16 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM, we will have a table in the Student Lounge showing students how to access the Law School’s iTunesU podcast site.

We will also have a display in the Law Library, featuring our iTunesU site complete with a QR code that you can scan. It will take you to our iTunesU instructions page. We also have the iTunesU site advertisement on the display screens throughout the Law School.

Finally, attached are easy to follow instructions on how to access your class podcasts. If you have any questions about accessing podcasts, please stop by our Podcast table on the aforementioned days and times. You can also contact us at or visit our Information Systems Help Desk located in Room 221 of the Law School.

Dean Moore

Please look for your email for the attached instructions on how to access your class podcasts.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Online Resources: BNA Employment Discrimination Report

If you are looking for a source that reviews legislative, regulatory, and judicial developments in key areas of equal employment opportunity from across the country, try Employment Discrimination Report (BNA).

The Report provides cases from all courts, summaries of briefs filed by the EEOC, up-to-date coverage of news and legal developments, reports from experts in various areas, and more.

To access the Employment Discrimination Report:
  • Go to the Library's home page, click "Online Resources"
  • Click the "Labor and Employment Law" link
  • Scroll down to "Employment Discrimination Report (BNA)"
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

Friday, November 11, 2011

Legal Research App

Continuing with my explorations of HeinOnline, you can take advantage of the advantage of the One-Box Search feature and other HeinOnline resources on you iPhone or iPad using the relatively new (and free) app.

To access HeinOnline from your device you either must get the username and password from the Reference Desk librarian or you can access HeinOnline while on campus through a wireless connection. If you access via wireless on campus (authenticate) , you will be able to access HeinOnline on your device from anywhere for 30 days. After 30 days, you must return to campus authenticate your app again.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat