When Ty Pennington was on Trading Spaces, he was cute, funny, talented, and sexy. Lately it seems he is sort of annoying. Here are a few things I would change about him so that he can go back to the way he was...
- His Hair - Ty, please pick a different style. Your hair has been too crazy for too long.
- Product Sponsorship - I think it's great that you are making buttloads of money, but back off. You are too much in our face. Sears was fine, Bellawood Floors so so, but Bayer is too much, too often!
- Hyperactivity - I understand it's a problem for you for your whole life and I feel bad but please, STAND STILL!!
- Extreme Makeover - WAY too many hugs and tears. The stories are touching enough on their own. Don't overact the drama!
I'm agree on all accounts. He went from a hunky, I-can-build-anything stud to a caricature of himself. Tone it down!! Also, you forgot to mention the DUI!!
I hate that show. It is soooo sappy. Makes me want to reach for another Duff. Also, if you think about it, would you want to own a house that was built in 5 days?
I like the blond guy from Clean Sweep. Eric?
I always get the impression that blond guy doesn't like girls.
Eric Strommer (sp?) is the blond guy. He has his own show now called Over Your Head on HGTV and he is MARRIED (shame on you Chris!)I think he's sort of goofy but he's likeable.
Mmmmmmmmm beeeeerrrrrr!
Ha! I'm ok with Ty but totally burned out on Extreme Home Makeover... I agree about overacting the drama. My only real complaint is the megaphone and the shouting, "People..."
I never was on the Ty bandwagon. I really don't get it. Especially the picture you posted. I don't find him even remotely attractive or sexy. But, then, I'm usually not attracted to annoying loudmouths. I think Eric is way cuter.
I have been singing, "I used to love her, but I had to kill her..." all day and I just realized it is because of the title of this post. It's like your a mastermind controlling my brainwaves.
welcome to Conard's world!
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