Monday, September 10, 2007

Yes It's Timmy

Little Timmy is all grown up and won a MSW at Suffolk Downs. Sheryl just sent me the picture. Congratulations are in order for her and her staff for making Timmy a good racehorse! I hope to get a few more of these win pictures in the future!


Kara said...

Wow! Congratulations! Timmy looks really good. Wasn't he kind of awkward as a foal or something?

Nora said...

That's why he's named Timmy (short for Tiny Tim!) He was born with contracted tendons and when we gave him tetracycline to relax the tendons, they over-relaxed and turned to jelly. It took a few weeks for him to strengthen back up and then he looked great. I quit calling him Tiny Tim and changed it to Timmy. (he was always really cute despite any of that... I never lacked faith that he would turn out OK)

Melanie said...

I think Dad told me that he had won a race at Suffolk. Great news!

Kara said...

That's really neat and is a note-worthy testament to your abilities as horsewoman. I think we need to put that win picture on the Graduates page of your website.

Anonymous said...

I won money on him just this weekend at Suffolk Downs, googled him out of curiosity and found your blog--congratulations on a fine race horse! He goes out and gets the job done and looks good doing it :-)

Nora said...

Glad to hear it, Badriyaz! I have a 2 year old half sister to him at Calder named Tall Priority. Hopefully she will be running soon and make me some money!