Thursday, November 15, 2007


We are in Miami this morning delivering air conditioners. I went to the barn area at Calder to see Rikki (see blurry picture) and watched him train. It was dark and rainy so I couldn't get a good picture. Rikki looked great and was happy to get some carrots from me. He is currently recovering from a bruised foot.


Anonymous said...

Go Rikki!!!

Kara said...

That's awesome that you were able to watch Rikki! Very cool. I'm asasuming a bruised foot isn't very serious?

Nora said...

not serious, just takes some time to heal. He is feeling better but his foot is still tender.

Anonymous said...

I will pray for him!!! I hope it dosen't infringe on anyone's rights.

Nora said...

Bless you my child!