Showing posts with label course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label course. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bersyukur kepadaNYA

Sykur Alhamdulillah.. result exam kami sekelas dah keluar dan 100% lulus (Perianesthesia Care) sepertimana yang diberitahu oleh kawan2 dan tutor.

Tapi apa yang menggembirakan ku lagi ialah.. apabila pensyarah kursus sendiri hantar mesej dan beritahu yang saya dapat Cemerlang dalam course ni.

Bersyukur sangat sangat diatas kejayaan ini ya Allah.. lepas baca mesej tu, airmata terus menitis kegembiraan.. Orang pertama yang saya bagitau ialah, ayah saya, ibu dan suami :)

Terima kasih ahli keluarga dan kawan2 yang selama ini membantu dan memahami ku masa dalam kursus pengkhususan selama 6 bulan itu (16hb Januari - 14hb Julai). Aku bersyukur pada mu ya Allah.. Hajat terpendam menjadi pelajar cemerlang termakbul..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Happy Day...

Today is actually the second day of my
BLS Course..
*Basic Life Support*
yesterday was only a practical n theory session..
and today we had to sit for an exam..
I am so nervous because I didn't sit for BLS exam for almost 3 years..
and it is very though course especially the
'chest compression and rescue breathing part'
This is the tag that we had
to wear during the course..
my number is 05..
what a lucky number for today :)

Me & Syai
during practical..
*Relief of choking*

The Airway Management Device..
*Oxygen face mask
*Venti mask
*High flow mask
*Nasal prong
*Intubation etc

In this course i've learned..
*CPR for Adult
*CPR for children
*CPR forInfants
AED automated external defibrillator
*Relief of choking for adult,children and infants
*Intubation etc.

Really satisfied with this course..cause i've learned a lot.
*hope i can apply this skills in the future..
and thumbs up for the organiser...
for the excellent course..and also the food is so yummy!

And this is me... today because being selected
as a 'Best Student' amongs Staff Nurses during this course!!



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