Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Forever One song & Lyrics by Richado Tawith

Lagu ini dinyanyikan oleh kami adik beradik pada tahun 2010. Lagu gubahan adik, Richado Tawith khas untuk Bapa & Mama tercinta Puan Mollen Bt. Simbaku & Allahyarham Bapa Tawith Bin Hj. Sungkit.

Enjoy the song guys..

Tajuk Lagu : Forever One

Lirik Lagu :

"It's hard to find the peace, when we're all alone.. 
When we far, there's no place to go..
You are far to reach, but I carry you..

Every where I go, forever it will be..
Father raised us with love..
And our mother raised us with her tender touch..

We gonna be fine, 
We gonna stay true,
Together we hold on to..
Even it's hard the pain is lesser if we bear it together..

Never say no,
Never look back.
To all the hard times we've been through,
Let's joint our hands.

We are family and we will forever be one.

I don't think I wanna live or even chase my dream
Without you would be colorless and pale
It is there'll be hard for me to live in our own dreams
Cause all we need is love
All we need is love

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hello Hana Montana!

Weeeee!! Mom, Dad & Cheng2 arrived safely at Great Falls, Montana USA this morning after a loooong journey :) Syukur Alhamdulillah.. Gambar kat bawah ni adalah gambar theyolls masa sampai kat Airport Great Falls. Adik ku Yohan ambil diorang kat airport :) saya pula teruja..hehehe.. bukannya apa.. saya tau nak ke USA bukannya senang apatah lagi kos tiket flight nak ke sana utk seorang adalah lebik 10k ok.. so uolls pandai pandai lah darab untuk 3 orang berapa ye. itu belum termasuk lagi perbelanjaan itu ini.. nasib baik lah ada rezeki sedikit, ayah, mak dan adik dapat lah ke sana.. Syukran ya Allah..

Happy bila Cheng2 (adik bungsu) yang dalam family saya dapat ke USA akhirnya.. sebab dia seorang je dalam family tak pernah ke sana. Masa kami balik dari USA, tahun 1986 dulu, dia belum lahir lagi. kesian dia.. kami tinggal kat Boston pun tak lama 3 tahun je. Tapi sempatlah merasa tinggal di negara orang kan :) Nama Cheng2 is Yohana saya cakap dengan dia, nanti sampai Montana, nama dah boleh tukar jadi HANA MONTANA! heeee..

Teruja tengok rumah adik ku kat US :) cantik, comel, cute & putih! awww! terus teringat cerita Denise the menace.. macam ni lah rumah dia dalam cerita tu kan?? Pastu tengok kereta pula.. suka!! Rasa nak terbang ke sana sekarang juga.. tapi apakan daya :(

Takpe2 sat lagi.. esok esok mesti Cheng2 gi shopping tu. I know you Cheng! belikan kakak mu HANDBAG satuuuuu boleeee??


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Have a safe journey Mom, Dad & Cheng2

Happy Wednesday uolls!
This picture was taken yesterday at KLIA.
Mom, Dad & my lil sister Cheng2 are going to the States for 3 weeks! woohoo!

Hopefully they'll have a very safe flight from KL - Dubai- Washington - Denver - Great Falls, Montana.
Can't wait to see my American nephew! yeay!! My brother Yohan gonna be a dad sooner!


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