Showing posts with label tips of the day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips of the day. Show all posts

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Buah Avocado dan khasiatnya.

Salam Ahad semua. Sejak kecil selalu minum atau makan buah Avocado. Senang nak dapat sebab arwah nenek ada tanam di belakang rumah dia. So Harini nak share dengan semua khasiat Avocado. Saya paling suka buat jus avocado campur susu pekat dengan air sejuk. Memang sedap tak terhingga tau!
Cubalah. Senang nak buat, sedap dan tinggi khasiatnya.

Sepuluh sebab kebaikan buah Avocado

Buah boleh melindungi penyakit seperti dibawah:

Prostat Kanser Pencegahan

Avokado telah ditunjukkan untuk menghalang pertumbuhan
kanser prostat.

Kanser Pertahanan Lisan

Penyelidikan telah menunjukkan bahawa sebatian tertentu
dalam avokado dapat untuk mencari pra-kanser dan kanser
sel-sel kanser mulut dan memusnahkan mereka tanpa
merosakkan sel-sel yang sihat.

Perlindungan Kanser Payudara

Alpukat, seperti minyak zaitun, adalah tinggi dalam asid
oleik, yang telah ditunjukkan untuk mencegah kanser
payudara dalam banyak kajian.

Kesihatan Mata

Avokado mempunyai lebih banyak lutein karotenoid
apa-apa selain buah-buahan yang lain yang biasa dimakan.
Lutein melindungi degenerasi makula dan katarak, dua
melumpuhkan penyakit mata yang berkaitan dengan usia.

Kolesterol Rendah

Avokado adalah tinggi dalam beta-sitosterol, sebatian yang
telah ditunjukkan untuk mengurangkan paras kolesterol.
Dalam satu kajian, 45 sukarelawan mengalami penurunan
purata kolesterol sebanyak 17% selepas makan avokado
hanya satu minggu.

Kesihatan Jantung

Satu cawan alpukat mempunyai 23% daripada nilai harian
yang disyorkan folat. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa orang
yang makan diet kaya dengan folat mempunyai insiden yang
lebih rendah daripada penyakit jantung daripada mereka yang
tidak. Vitamin E, lemak monotaktepu, dan glutation dalam
alpukat juga besar untuk jantung anda.

Pencegahan Strok

Tahap folat dalam alpukat juga perlindungan terhadap
angin ahmar. Orang yang makan diet kaya dengan folat
mempunyai risiko yang jauh lebih rendah daripada strok
berbanding mereka yang tidak.

Penyerapan yang lebih baik Nutrien Penyelidikan telah
mendapati bahawa nutrien tertentu diserap dengan lebih baik
apabila dimakan dengan alpukat. Dalam satu kajian, apabila
peserta makan salad yang mengandungi avokado, mereka
menyerap lima kali ganda jumlah karotenoid (kumpulan nutrien
yang termasuk lycopene dan beta karotena) daripada orang-orang
yang tidak termasuk avokado.

Source Glutathione

Avokado adalah sumber yang sangat baik glutation, antioksida
penting bahawa penyelidik mengatakan adalah penting dalam
mencegah penuaan, kanser, dan penyakit jantung.

Vitamin E

Avokado adalah buah yang terbaik sumber vitamin E, vitamin yang
penting yang melindungi daripada banyak penyakit dan membantu
mengekalkan kesihatan keseluruhan

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Don't Be SAD

Sadness consumes us and takes up the time we could have used to be happy. Sure it’s a long stretch to say ‘don’t be sad’ knowing that it’s easier said than done, but the next time something saddens you, do the following:

1. Close your eyes. place your hand over your heart, that alone should remind you of your purpose. You were made to serve Allaah subhanahu wa ta’ala. You were made for so much, fulfill your duty by making the most of your time.     

2. Smile. It psychologically helps you feel a little better. Even if it’s not genuine or sincere, just smile.

3. Distract yourself by doing something else. If you’re thinking about your poor grades for example, think about Salaah and how you need to pray. Or perhaps go exercise or read a book.

4. Talk it out. Talk to yourself. Let it out, don’t vent to anyone, vent to yourself & complain to Allaah alone.

5. Remember Allaah. Remember what awaits you if you’re patient. Jannah inshaa’Allaah.

6. Remember death. Will this situation matter when you’re dying? It wont, death is the biggest obstacle, bigger than even what you’re going through.

7. Remember the death of the Prophet. He went through so much that could cause any person to become depressed and upset for life, yet he had trust in Allaah and always saw the good side of things.

8. Trust in Allaah. What is making you sad right now, wont continue on making you sad forever. Look back at all the other times you were sad, do they matter now? They wont matter in the future, so let go of it.

9. Find a lame joke and laugh at it. That’ll liven up your spirit.

10. Make duaa and lots of it. “Verily in the Remembrance of Allaah, hearts find rest.” & duaa and reading the Qur’aan are the best forms of remembrance.

11. Write a letter. If you hate writing, paint or draw something and focus on it. The more you focus, the smaller your problems appear to be.

12. Bake something you’ve never baked before.

13. Clean/ organize/ decorate your room/ home.

14. Play dress-up and play with your makeup!

15. Snap outfit shots!


repost from  AA

Monday, December 16, 2013


Ok, ini adalah penting untuk sesiapa yang suka gi melancong :)
Selalunya memang dilemma betul nak naik ape gi airport, samaada nak naik Taxi atau minta kawan hantarkan ke KLIA ^_____^

Harini, meh nak share sikit pasal parking rate etc kat KLIA. supaya kita paham & boleh buat keputusan bijak & tiada pembaziran di situ :)

Sila baca dan fahamkan sendiri. boleh? hehehe..
Tak berapa nak paham? meh akak paham kan..

Ni secara ringkas je ok. parking rate kat KLIA: ( Pergi ke Parking Block A )

1 hari : RM46 ( di kira dari masa kita amik chip coin tu. mesti genap 24 jam )

4 hari : RM144 ( ni harga pakej ) mesti genap 4 hari dari hari kita amik chip coin tu.

5 hari : RM144 + RM15/day diorang akan charge dan seterusnya..

7 hari : RM189 ( ni kiraan saya sendiri la sebab +RM15 perday kan )

tapi kalau uolls nak simpan kereta uolls lama sangat kat sana, tak payah lah kan.. baik amik Taxi dari rumah je.. Kalau saya, naik Taxi dari rumah Shah Alam ke KLIA ( one way ) dah RM84. So return Taxi was RM168 ( kalau nak gi trip mana2 dalam 4 hari, baik parking kat KLIA je. Bayar RM144 je. Lagi murah lagipun lepas landing, terus gi parking amik kereta sendiri & tak payah nak tunggu2 )

Amacam bagus tak idea saya??
Selamat mencuba uolls!! hahaha..

yang bawah ni pun Wajib baca ok.....


Much attention has been given to vehicle parking facilities at KLIA.
In laying out and placing these facilities, we have taken into consideration the needs of visitors, travellers and day-trippers. In all considerations, convenience to the user has been our cornerstone.

Primary access to and from Kuala Lumpur to KLIA is via the North-South Central Link Expressway (ELITE).
A second access is via the Eastern route which links the Nilai Interchange with the airport. Traveling by car from Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya takes approximately one hour, while from Shah Alam, it takes just 45 minutes.
Other modes of public transportation to and from KLIA are KLIA Express (ERL), KLIA Transit, stage buses, taxis and limousines.

There are two main car parks at KLIA and in total, there are 11,442 parking lots. The short-term car park (covered car park) comprises four seven-storey blocks (Block A, B, C and D), with 5,933 parking lots, 12 bus bays and 1,202 parking lots for motorcycles parking.


Effective from midnight 1 August 2011, the new parking charges at KLIA will be based from the rates indicated below:

1st hour of part thereofRM 4.00
2nd hour of part thereofRM 4.00
3rd hour of part thereofRM 4.00
4th hour of part thereofRM 3.00
5th hour of part thereofRM 3.00
6th hour of part thereofRM 2.50
7th hour of part thereofRM 2.50
8th hour of part thereofRM 2.50
9th hour of part thereofRM 2.50
10th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
11th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
12th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
13th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
14th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
15th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
16th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
17th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
18th hour of part thereofRM 2.00
19th hour of part thereofn/a
20th-24th hour of part thereofRM 46.00

The normal rate will be re-applied after the 24th hour parking charge.
The parking rates are inclusive of 6% service tax as required by the Government.

Touch & Go (TNG) facilities are available at all entry and exit. Additional charge 10% will be imposed on top of the parking tier rate.

A RM50.00 penalty charge together with the required parking charges will be imposed for any loss or damage of the chip coin.

In addition, the Management also imposes clamping on any vehicle park outside the allocated parking lots.
A penalty of RM100.00 is imposed upon release of the clamp.


Car Park Management KLIA has opened a new parking facility since August 2008 which cater for airport users who desire to park their cars at KLIA for a long period.

The minimum parking period is four (4) days at RM144.00. The target groups are the passengers traveling overseas for leisure or business as they will enjoy a maximum parking period at minimum rate

The long-term car park offers at Block A.

The new parking facility offers services such as auto pay machine at level 2 Block B, CCTV, security watch and toilets.

This parking area is dedicated specially to cater for 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles. Located at Level 2, Block B C,

Short Term Car Park KLIA and LCCT Parking, it is cordoned with chain link and guarded with one (1) security personnel

This is another effort by the Car Park Management of KLIA to offer extra security and precaution for the 4WD Vehicles especially the luxurious wagon.

Drivers have to register their name and vehicles during entrance and they will be given a card for evidence of entry.

During egress, the card needs to be returned to the security personnel before they are allowed to drive away their vehicles.

This facility can be enjoyed at Level 2, Block B and C, Short Term Car Park and at Zone A, LCCT Parking.


Effective from midnight 1 August 2011 , the new parking charges at LCCT will be based from the rates indicated belows:

1st hour of part thereofRM 3.50RM 2.50
2nd hour of part thereofRM 3.50RM 2.50
3rd hour of part thereofRM 3.50RM 2.50
4th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
5th hour of part therofRM 2.50RM 2.00
6th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
7th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
8th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
9th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
10th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
11th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
12th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
13th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
14th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
15th hour of part thereofRM 2.50RM 2.00
16th hour of part thereof up to 24th hour or part thereofRM 40.50RM 33.50

The above rate will be re-applied after every 24 hours. The parking rates are inclusive of the 6% service tax as required by the Government

The parking charges maybe paid through any eleven (11) auto pay stations located in LCCT Terminal or at two (2) auto pay stations located near Parking Counter before exiting the parking area for each Zone.
Currently, parking charges may only be paid through cash.

Touch & Go (TNG) facilities are available at all entry and exit. Additional charge 10% will be imposed on top of the parking tier rate.

A RM50.00 penalty together with the required parking charges will be imposed for any loss or damaged ticket.

For further information, please contact:

Car Park Management,
Block C, Ground Floor, Short Term Car Park,
KL International Airport,
64000 KLIA,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

CCTV Control Room-+603-8776 8444 (24 hours)
Season Pass Counter-+603-8776 8464 (Office hours)
Payment Counter Block B-+603-8776 8221 (24 hours)
Payment Counter Block C-+603-8776 8451 (24 hours)

+603-8777 6907  (24 hours)

Fax: +603-8776 8518

Disable Lot

Five (5) lots are located at Zone A and three (3) at Zone B, LCCT
There are eighteen (18) parking lots dedicated for disabled visitors at Short Term Car Park. They are located close to the link-bridges that connect Car Park to the Main Terminal Building.


Trolley nests are located strategically at each level, at all blocks.

Passenger Pick-up

This area is set apart and well signposted. It is located beyond the link-bridges on Level 2 of Block B and C.
With this facility in place, passengers need not cart their luggage all the way to the vehicle which may be parked on another level.

Access to Main Terminal Building (MTB)

This is via two link-bridges that are located on Level 2 of Blocks B and C.
They take you to Station Mezzanine Level (Level 2) of Main Terminal Building which is between the Arrival (above) and Ground (below).

There are 20 lifts (16 service lifts and four emergency lifts) at covered car park.
These will allow you access to all floors of the car park. They are large enough to accommodate trolleys and passengers.


There are eight (8) escalators at covered car park.
Four escalators are at Block C Ground Floor to Level 2 of Block C, two at Level 5 of Block C to Roof Top of Block C, and 2 at Roof Top of Block B to Roof Top of Block B.

Flight Information Display System (FIDS)

There are 16 FIDS monitors at short-term car park.Eight (8) at Level 2 of Block B and eight (8) at Level 2 of Block C.The FIDS will update you on domestic and international arrivals and departures.

Rented Cars

Fourteen (10) major car rental companies operate at Ground Floor of Block D.
There are 164 parking lots available for rental at RM400.00 monthly per lot according to requirement. Most major car rental companies allow passengers to drop off their rented cars at Ground Floor of Block D.

Motorcycles Parking Rate:

Motorcycles at ground level block A
Currently, all motorcycles need to pay parking charge of RM1.00per entry. The parking lots for motorcycles are located at the Ground Floor, Block A, STCP Building.

Payment Mode

A Pay-On-Foot system has been put in place. Users should make their payment at either the Manual or Auto Pay Stations before collecting their vehicles.
There are 3 Manual Pay Stations that are manned 24 hours (One at Level 2 of Block B, and One at Level 2 of Block C).
A total of six (6) Auto Pay Stations are available for the convenience of Car Park users. Three (3) Auto Pay Stations are located at Level 2 of Block B and another three (3) are located at Level 2 of Block C.
Only Malaysian currency is accepted either at the Manual or Auto Pay Stations.

Corporate Parking
A total of 144 lots are allocated for Corporate Parking (Agencies based at KLIA only) at Ground Floor of Block B. Season cards are issued at RM350.00 per month with a deposit of RM50.00
which is refundable upon return of the card. However, the deposit will be forfeited if the card is damaged or lost.

Bus Station

Situated on the Ground Level of Block C, it has 12 bays for KL City Express and Stage buses.
This air-conditioned bus station has other facilities like seating area, FIDS, a
ticketing counter, cafe, washrooms and escalators between the Ground level and Level 2 of Block C.

Telephone Booths

There are seven (12) telephone booths. Malaysian coins of various denominations are accepted except for 1 cent and 5 cents. Two (2) telephone booths are located at Level 2 of Block B, five (5) at Ground Floor of Block C, and five (5) at Ground Floor of Block C.


Male and female washrooms are located at every level of Block A, B, C and D.
Handicapped / Disabled washrooms are located at Ground Floor of Block B and C, Level 2 of Block B and C, and Roof Top of Block B and C.

Shop Lots

Two (2) shop lots are located at Level 2 of Block B, two (2) at Level 2 of Block C, and four (4) at Ground Floor of Block C (Bus Station)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

TIPS untuk Trip ke Hong Kong Disneyland tanpa Travel agent ( Full version )

Full version katanyer.. hehehe..

Hari ni nak share semua info pasal trip weolls ke Hong Kong especially ke Hong Kong Disneyland :)
Nak share secara ringkas tapi semua nya i akan share, jangan risau ok.

Harga tiket kami :

Kami naik Airasia je hari tu & kebetulan dapat harga promotion RM190 one way belum termasuk tax etc. so return tickets dalam RM600 seorang.
RM600 x 8 orang = RM4800 ( belum termasuk luggage & meals )
luggage pulang balik tambah dalam RM500 + hotseat RM20 per person pulang balik  untuk 8 orang = RM320 semuanya.
so total utk flight + luggage + hotseat = RM6K. kalau naik MAS, harga dalam 12K :) harga double

Meal kami beli dalam flight je haritu. Saya syorkan uolls semua amik hotseat No 1A - 1F ( seat paling depan ) sebab selesa sangat. Ini untuk yang nak jimat duit flight la. Untuk yang nak naik MAS tu, xkisah nak duduk mana2 kan. hehe..

Tempoh perjalanan: 

3 jam 50 minit. 
Tapi bila nak amik luggage bagai tu tambah lah dalam 30 minit, Mula2 pun ingatkan jauh sampai 9 - 10 jam ke Hong Kong ni. Rupanya macam nak balik Sabah je. huhu.. 

Tempat penginapan kami: 

Hotel Imperial, 
Nathan Road, Kowloon.

Memang saya amat syorkan Hotel ni sebab nak cari Halal food kat sebelah hotel je. Masjid Kowloon depan sikit je dari hotel ke sebelah kanan pintu hotel.
Satu lagi paling best, kedai pengurup wang bersepah2 kat sebelah hotel. so kalau HKD dah habis, sila tukar RM anda hehe.. 

Hotel Imperial 4 days 3 nights ( 4 bilik ) satu bilik rm500 lebih  + Airport Van return + Disneyland Hotel + Ocean Park ticket + Coach to Disneyland + Ocean Park for 8 pax :

*Kesemua ni berharga dalam lebih kurang12K juga*

Jadual yang kami buat sendiri masa kat HK. Tujuan memang nak ke Disneyland je pun. So 4 hari dah cukup.

Itinerary kami haritu:

Flight dari KL 8.50AM ( 2 Sept 2013 )

Day 1 : Free & Easy ( sampai HK dalam 1230PM )
Day 2 : HK Disneyland
Day 3 : Ocean Park
Day 4 : Free & Easy --- > Shoppingg!!

Flight balik haritu pukul 6.15PM tapi delayed sampai 9PM. sempat lah shopping sikit2 kat HKIA :)
Sampai Malaysia 1AM & sampai Shah Alam pukul 2AM.


Semua ni di arrange oleh Hotel penginapan kami. Tapi kena inform dengan diorang awal2 lagi sebelum sampai Hong Kong. Diorang ambil kami dan bawa kami ke hotel pergi dan balik ke airport haritu. Setiap hari akan ada reminder notes dari kaunter reception to inform weolls nak get ready pukul berapa untuk ke Disneyland & Ocean Park the other day. Hari ke 4 tu, weolls jalan2 sendiri je kat sekitar Kowloon tu. senang gila. Lagipun designer boutique banyak gila di sekitar Kowloon. 

FYI, Hotel kami bersebelahan dengan Hotel mahal, The Peninsula :) satu malam RM1500+ Thats why sebelah hotel kami ada Ralph Lauren, LV, Coach, Bally, Chopard etc.

So total keseluruhan kami ke HK haritu dalam 20K untuk 8 orang. Not bad kan. Setahu saya kalau amik pakej, seorang dalam 4k. Kalau pergi tanpa travel agent, seorang dalam 2.5k je.

Jimat tak jimat? hehe
rasanya itu je yang saya dapat share untuk uolls.. semoga banyak memberi tips untuk sesiapa yang nak ke Hong Kong tanpa travel agent. Kalau ada apa2 nak tanya, bole tinggalkan comment kat bawah entri ni ok..
InsyaAllah saya akan jawab :)

ok now,

Lets enjoy our photo at




Ni gambar depan main enterance kat Hong Kong Disneyland. Wajib bergambar kat sini & upload gambar kat Instagram hahaha!

Posing lagi depan signboard 

Hari tu beli tiket melalui hotel penginapan kami & diorang bagi kertas yang dah ada barcode. So weolls scan je QR Barcode tu kat Magic tickets counter & dapat tiket sebenar macam yang saya dan my SIL pegang tu.

Ok ni gambar setibanya kami kat coach parking kat HK Disneyland tu.
Cuaca agak mendung tanda2 nak hujan hari tu. Tapi syukur alhamdulillah sebab tak panas terik. Saya lebih suka hujan renyai2 daripada panas terik. Risau sangat sunburn ^_____^

Gambar mak, ayah, yiyen & neidal depan signboard HK Disneyland :) 

Makan kat restoren Tahitian Terrace, salah satu restoren halal dalam HK Disneyland. Ni menu dari Malaysia, Malaysian roasted chicken katanyer, macam nasi lemak tapi nasi dia takde santan. Harga satu set ni dalam 40+ kalau tak silap saya. Ye makanan kat sana memang mahal, apatah lagi halal foods.
FYI, chef yang incharge kat Restoren Tahitian terrace ni orang Malaysia, dia siap datang lagi ke meja weolls hari tu tanya pasal makanan :) bangga sekejap sebab org Malaysia yang incharge. hehe.. 

Kedai souvenir depan restoren Tahitian Terrace.. Semua nak pakai hairband konon.
Setiap kawasan kat Disneyland akan ada kedai souvenir. Uolls jangan risau.
cuma perlu sediakan ongkosnya aja. huhu..

Husband & Yiyen bersama Neidal yang tengah tido.
Yiyen memang happy gila dapat ke Disneyland ni.. memang angan2 dia dari dulu lagi.

Mom & dad 
kat Grizzly mountain

Cik abang lagi :)
Masa kat sana kena pakai baju hujan sepanjang masa sebab sekejap hujan sekejap tak. 
Sesiapa yang ada follow saya kat instagram, saya dah bagitau harga satu raincoat ni. Untuk Adult HKD55 dan untuk adult HKD45. kami beli 6 utk dewasa & 1 untuk kanak2 hari tu. Mak beli payung mickey :) So total dalam Rm260 untuk baju hujan + payung je. Itu baru kat pintu masuk +______+

bergambar dan bergambar..

Kat Mystic Manor. Tempat 4D yang paling best kat sini :)

Adik ipar & adik beli Ice Cream Mickey

Mak, ayah & Yiyen naik parachute
Yiyen cakap best & nak naik lagi.. hehe.. Mak pula cakap scarry :)

Kami dan Signboard :)

Puteri bunga

Berjalan sambil bergambar..

Masa makan kat Tahitian tadi.. gambar pun dah tak ikut susunan dah.huhu..

Menu dari chef Malaysia :)

Papa & Neidal

Yiyen & Neidal

Masa ni lepas turun dari train, stroller tinggal kat stroller parking. So adik tolong amikkan &Yiyen ikut Uncle dia amik stroller tu. That's why Yiyen takde time ni.

Sekeping gambar ni pun berharga RM50 *pengsan*
Staff Disneyland yang amikkan gambar & boleh redeem kat kedai & bayar.

Antara souvenirs yang sempat saya beli kat HK Disneyland :) Mahallll sangattt tapi apa nak buat, kena beli juga kalau x, rugi takde kenang kenangan dari sana.

All i can say, best sangat ke HK Disneyland!!


Ok gambar kat bawah ni dah keesokkan harinya iaitu hari ke 3 kat Hong Kong.
Bersiap sedia ke Ocean Park pula.

My SIL, Nett bergambar di tengah2 bandaraya Hong Kong :)
kota metropolitan yang sentiasa sibuk.

Dah sampai Ocean Park.
Ocean park ni actually macam Aquaria KLCC tapi ianya lagi besar & outdoor dia ada theme park yang amat besar kalah Genting highland. Paling best lagi, kat sini ada Panda, Dolphin, Anjing laut dan lain2 hidupan laut :) Semua boleh kita tengok depan mata.

Underwater sea dia sangat besar. Kagum sangat!

Bergambar depan enterance Ocean Park masa sampai tapi still hujan.

Adik & wife dia depan Arctic blast. Salah satu park kat sana.

Makan kat Bayview restaurant

Pekerja kat sana sedang bagi makan walrus

Saya dan replika penguin yang di perbuat daripada bunga
cantik kan..

Yiyen depan Tuxedo restaurant.

Sea dreams
Pertunjukan dolphin & anjing laut. best pertunjukan diorang ni.

Panda comel. tidur sambil duduk

Raincoat yang berharga HKD55 = RM25 duit kita.

Balik je dari Ocean park, hantar barang2 etc kat hotel,
kami teruskan perjalanan ke sebelah hotel kami.. dekat je pun..
beli sedikit barang2 cenderahati. hehe..  

Inilah dia cenderahati tu.. huhu..
Coach kat sana agak murah berbanding Malaysia.. rasanya murah dalam 200+ juga.

Malam ke dua hari tu, adik survey tempat makan halal di sekitar hotel & jumpa Syed restaurant dari Malaysia! Ada juga cawangan restoren ni kat Shah Alam. Apa lagi teruja lah makan nasi lemak di tengah malam.. huhu.. keesokkan harinya kami makan kat restoren tu pula. Tapi memamg ya ampun.. mahal yang amat! satu keping tosei berharga rm9! terus rindu Malaysia sebab harga dia murah..

Kat Hong Kong International Airport
Masa ni nak balik dah :)
Flight delayed 3 jam disebabkan flight dari Malaysia lambat sampai HKIA.

Sempat merembat Burberry kat sana.. 
Ada diskaun sampai 50% uolls!

Ok ni gambar masa Mickey magic show..
Persembahan 30 minit kesemua Cartoon karektor Disneyland.
best gila sampai nak suruh ulang. hihi..

Jumpa Mickey secara live rasa macam budak2 balik :)

Souvenir khas pilihan Yiyen dari HK Disneyland :)

Old Hong Kong kat Ocean Park

Adik ipar & Yiyen

Mcm gwiyomi pula kan.. ni actually sign untuk Mickey & Minnie :)

that's the end of our trip to Hong Kong Disneyland..
Best gila dan memang nak datang lagi..




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