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Showing posts with the label Black Monday
The 'Black Monday' fall-out was evident at the school gates this morning; all the banker's wives clutching their Chanel handbags a little tighter than usual and looking pale under their St Tropez tans. But it's not the families of the financial big boys I'm feeling sorry for - if they had any sense (although there's a big fat question mark over that considering what's just happened with Lehman Brothers) they would have salted away some of those gigantic bonuses they've been enjoying for years. It's all the regular people - the back office staff, the PAs, the security guards, cleaners and similar - who earned a decent but not remarkable wage, who'll be wondering if they're going to be able to make the mortgage this month. They're the ones who are really going to feel the pinch. But at the same time as storm clouds gather over the City and nails are bitten to the quick all over Kensington, Brit-art wunderkind Damien Hirst has been raking it