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Showing posts with the label Francophile nonsense

YLM declares war on ze Frenchies

OK. I've had enough. I am declaring war on all ze Frenchies. Not just the gaggle of Frenchies in Dubai. But every Frenchie in the world that I might come across one day in the near or distant future. And I will be especially merciless towards French women. Why, you ask? What could these charming, affable, wine-quaffing cultured creatures possibly have done to offend me so? Well, first off they may be wine-quaffing, and charming when they wish to be (a bit like cats are cute and cuddly when they want something), but after having had the misfortune to attend a distress sale this morning with about 50 Frenchies, I am yet to be convinced that they possess any other redeeming qualities. My Britishness was a bit of a problem when faced with a gang of Frenchwomen salivating over the prospect of cut-price hand-embroidered French linens. Here are my complaints: Gratuitous rudeness : ze French have no concept of what it means to queue, hence their shameless pushing to the front witho