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How to identify Dubai American Mom

There's something in the American character that turns them into a nation of die-hard have-a-go heroes. Dubai American Mom is no exception. She is seriously motivated, which makes her a hurricane of Mom-ness from dawn to dusk. Nothing fazes her - the Dubai traffic is a breeze, being woken up every day at 4am by the call to prayer is a doddle, even Ramadan was easy. Whatever American Mom is doing - from packing little Brad's lunchbox to running the school PTA - she does it with fierce determination. Abandon hope all ye who have been targeted by American Mom; her zeal will pick you up and sweep you along, pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears, and before you know it you will be baking batches of 50 cup cakes for the latest fundraiser and pledging wholehearted allegiance to her cause. Woe betide anyone who dares not to match her in energy and enthusiasm for you will be named and shamed in a heartbeat, and your life at the school gates will never be the same again. Apart from t