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Showing posts with the label smothers strike again

More Smother Stupidity

I REALLY need some feedback on this people: So long-time readers may remember I started a Halloween event in our building four years ago. Last year, two people conspired to remove me from the steering committee. (How? You ask? By having meetings and not including me...) This year this same thing has happened. So here's my confusion: This insanely stupid, and may I say, hurtful, junior high school thump has been hit on me -- and there are no ramifications against these mothers for their actions. No one seems to care. Beyond me. (Yes, I am quite aware of how pathetic I sound...there's the problem...right?) So -- I know what I am supposed to do: Ignore it and just go on. Isn't that what I tell the Rabbit over and over again? But the truth is I don't even want The Rabbit playing with the kids of these smothers. Because, I have to admit - I am fried from dealing with these parents. I adore spending time with my daughter and my husband. Socializing with a few dear friends. Bu