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Showing posts with the label recovery
Dear Kate, I apologize for the long delay. Some family health concerns right now with extended family, which will also make this short. I hope you can fill in with a longer post in my stead! I feel that everywhere I turn I hear of another friend who has been downsized, forced to take a pay cut, or is so worried about these things it's affecting their ability to focus. I know the President has said he feels he seeing signs of recovery. I think that would be wonderful. I don't know if he's just trying to make people feel better, or if I just know the unlucky ones. I remember after Sept. 11th the city went into an economic lock-down. It was practically impossible to find work if you were out of work. But somehow I don't remember the mood as this negative. I have to wonder though if part of what's going on is everyone buying into the bleak reports. In other words — if they say it's bad, it's bad. Well, that could be true. But I also think some people are using t