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Showing posts with the label baby stuff

Mama's got the shopping itch

I thought I was beyond feeling lustful about anything in this advanced stage of pregnancy (except perhaps for contraband chocolate cake) but that was before I stumbled over this site, a cheeky little online boutique by name of Little Beau. I can only describe it as babystuff shopping porn (sorry Alpha, possibly our finances won't be looking too healthy this month... put it down to pregnant craziness and let's move swiftly on). Here's what's got me frothing at the mouth: Taggies in organic and silk : I love Taggies. Having lost far too many favorite silky scarves and other soft items to the comfort blankie cause over the years (my big girls still sleep with two sarongs I picked up a decade ago in Thailand), Taggies are great option if you're fond of the contents of your wardrobe. The new Naturals range in organic cotton and silk are positively covetable. Top of the wish list? You betcha. Fabulous wigwam : I have very fond memories of building dens when I was a