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Showing posts with the label Elizabeth Arden

"You Look Tired."

Just a question: Does anyone out there appreciate this? Do we not already KNOW THIS ALREADY? In other words, do we need to know that we look like a HAG with circles under our eyes, and our face slopping downward trying to meet our neck? Same for this response: "You LOOK tired." said after you explain to someone why you're spacing out, "Sorry. I'm tired." Here are proper ways to speak of someone who looks a bit sleep-deprived, or has commented as such: 1. "You look fabulous! So calm!" 2. "Hey -- just about to jaunt off to the cafe. Can I grab you a cappuccino on me?" 3. "Baby, go and take a nap. I'll watch the Rabbit(s)." 4. (Only if you're the boss) "Not a problem. I actually forgot to tell you, Friday's a day off this week, and I booked massages at Elizabeth Arden for you. Enjoy!" 5. "Really? You've been so great today. Wish I could be a bright as you on little sleep. Tell me your secret!" 6