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Showing posts with the label Weeping Willow trees

Day Two - MM's New York Vacation

In fairness to me, I had forgotten when I agreed to Tally week that The Rabbit was off from camp this week. And I had promised her a New York vacation. The rules are very simple -- we must not do anything we have ever done before, and we must try and act silly like tourists. It's already been great fun for Day One. But the problem is, of course, we are going to spend way more than a normal week's tally of a few cappuccinos and some ice creams from the Mr. Softee truck. But again, perhaps this may give visitors an idea of what it almost does cost to come -- minus, of course, the hotel room! So let's see. We started the morning by running to the post office to mail grandma (that would be my mother) her birthday present and buying a few 1 cent stamps. Postage recently went up and I am too stingy to toss the 41 cent stamps I have still. ($1.71). Then today's adventure was to see the new Kit Kittridge movie (which needs its own post -- SO GOOD. Anyone with a 5+ year old daug