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Showing posts with the label gumption

Britney's Belly Brouhaha

Faithful readers of MOTV will possibly remember a post a while back where we tried to get Britney's back (a bit) for all the attacks on her. While YLM and I would never, could never, imagine porting our babes in a car without a car seat, I do believe that if a camera were trained on me 24/7, (and I had any ounce of People magazine worthiness) they would certainly come up with some tasty tidbits to splash across the pages. The latest attack has come from Britney's, shall we say, performance on the MTV Music Video Awards. (Disclosure: I once worked for this enterprise in my other life.) And a performance it was. I finally decided I needed to see what the row was about and watched a streaming video of the act today. My opinion? You Go Girl. Yes, she lip syncs. (Uh, hello J-Lo, Beyonce, me...) Yes, she's been handling her mom, custody battle, underwear needs, photo shoots, friends, people, badly. (Very badly. Britney, honey, please call Jodie Foster and let her give you some gu