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Showing posts with the label blah
Is anyone else also starting to feel that fashion is becoming impossible for a still vaguely youthful thirty-something to pull off without looking utterly ridiculous? The faux peasant look I could cope with. 70s retro - fabulous. 50s prom queen - difficult with a flat chest and no waist to speak of but not insurmountable. The tunic top and skinny jeans thing - lovely low maintenance and even my stumpy little legs can (just about) cope with it. But what's with this nu-rave and 80's fabulous nonsense? It's like I'm stuck in a teenage time warp and it wasn't any great shakes the first time around. Neon coloured Katherine Hamnett -style logo tee's? With clashing leggings? The Aceeed smiley face as a logo of choice? Puffball and ra - ra skirts? Give me a break. And scarier still, I keep spotting the hair style of desire for my 12-year-old self - the rat's tail (which thankfully my parents, who I thought were so mean and square at the time, refused to allow on


I'm feeling kind of dull at the moment which is why I haven't been on the blog much. I just don't have all that much to say. I could go on about how Alpha and I are starting to plan our new kitchen extension which we just got the planning permission through for, but I'm pretty confident that the dilemma of which colour units to go for is not going to generate much excitement in anyone but us. I could tell you about how hectic work has been but I'm kind of sick of grumbling about long hours and pissy clients. Yawn. Big. Fat. Yawn. I could talk about the kids, but you know, they're absolutely fine. It's all good bar a few tantrums and a current obsession for pulling their pants down and mooning anyone who walks into the house but I'm not going to sweat that right now (although if they're still doing it in five years then it might be an idea to address the issue). I could have a small rant about how rude people are in London, but that isn't anything