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10 Top Tips for Living in Dubai

I've only been here since January this year but so far have figured out the following top tips for successful Dubai living: 1. Covering your nether regions Do not wear nylon knickers. Ever. There are no mitigating circumstances, however pretty the pants in question may be. Why? Because it's like putting your bum in a sauna. For hours. 40C heat + 70% humidity = 100% cotton all the way baby. Accept no substitutes. 2.   Wean yourself off the slap A face full of make-up doesn't really work in a country as hot as this. Unless you like looking like a sweaty panda , that is. In which case, go right ahead. 3.   One for the road There's no such thing here as 'one for the road'. Drinking and driving is stupid anywhere but in Dubai it's  suicidal. Not only is the law fierce when it comes to booze in the bloodstream while behind the wheel (think zero-tolerance), driving in Dubai is dangerous enough whilst sober, let alone when impaired by alcohol. You need a