The guest: First off, in what I informed you off before: {In Avodah Zarah 35a:} He said to him, "Yishmael my brother, how do you read {Shir haShirim 1:2} : Ki tovim dodecha or Ki tovim dodayich?" He said to him, "Ki tovim dodayich." He said to him, "The matter is not so, for behold its fellow {=the context, in Shir haShirim 1:3} proves it: לְרֵיחַ שְׁמָנֶיךָ טוֹבִים, שֶׁמֶן תּוּרַק שְׁמֶךָ; עַל-כֵּן, עֲלָמוֹת אֲהֵבוּךָ. {All of which are directed towards the man. We could have cast this, of course, as an exchange between the lovers, but the argument here is that the context proves that it is directed towards the man.}
The author: This is not proof that they did not have the masorah, for the masorah does not inform about the reading of the words {but only the consonants}, after the nikkud teaches how it is. However this is in the appearance of a proof that there was no nikkud {points} in the time of our Rabbis.
The guest: And why do you say "in the appearance of a proof," and not "proof?"
The author: Because there are of the Sages who say that the nikkud was already found in the holy tongue of old, but not all the sefarim had nikkud, except in those words which it was possible to err in them; for so decided the author of the Meor Einayim (perek 59), that the nikkud was given at Sinai, and afterwards it was forgotten, and the Sages of Tiberius reinstituted it.
And similar to this is the opinion of one who writes the dikduk which is around the masorah, who said at the beginning of his words "It is true that the nikkud was given at Sinai, but they forgot it, until Ezra came and revealed it."
The author: This is no proof, for there they said as well "they were experts in plene and deficient words, and we are not experts"; and behold, plene and deficient words are a written matter, and even so there arose in it doubts after Ezra. If so, like this matter, we are able to say as well that Ezra established the nikkud, and afterwards it once again was forgotten, until there were born by our Rabbis doubts and disputes.
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