Showing posts with label Bonnie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bonnie. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Exchange Received!!

I received my exchange from Bonnie yesterday. Unhappily I don't have a camera at the moment so I can't put up a picture. It is a really nice pillow/pincushion. I hope Bonnie puts up a pic as I would like to put it in my album as received. Thank you very much, It is really cute and a perfect addition to my Thanksgiving decorations. Couldn't bring a lot with me so holiday decorations are far and few between. Again, Thank you Bonnie for a great exchange. To my exchange, I will mail by the end of the week. I am having trouble finding an envelope to put it in. Not sure where to shop here yet. Not to worry it will arrive soon.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Harvest Exchange

I am sending out my exchange piece today. Yeah!!!! Hope it arrives safely and swiftly. Hope my partner likes it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkins FOR Gillie - from Wendy Jo!

You know how, when you are stitching an exchange, there is that tiny moment at the end when you wish you were keeping the piece because you've got quite fond of it? And you suspect you'll probably never stitch it for yourself? Well, this time I don't have to worry as I received a beautiful pinkeep from Wendy Jo yesterday - in the same pattern that I stitched for Bonnie! Thank you so much, my first pinkeep and I love it. It reminds me that I need to make one and conquer my fear of doing so! I also received three gorgeous threads from GAST in lovely Fall-y colours.
Bonnie, thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry I forgot to mention that it was an LHN!
Now that I'm back with the good girls (having got my exchange completed in time!) - what are we doing next?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Pumpkins From Gillie

Today was a Happy Day in Gilbert. The mailman left a parcel in the box from Gillie.

It was a wonderful gift stitched so beautifully along with a pretty butterfly card, some Thread Drops and a skein of Weeks Dye Works Harvest.

She didn't mention who the designer was, but I knew immediately that it was LHN's Pumpkins cause I was thinking about stitching one for myself. I am really into pumpkins this year. Thanks so much Gillie, you chose the perfect design to stitch for me. It is my first Little House Needlework.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just Nan arrived!!!!

Today I have received the most beautiful ornament from Bonnie. The first piece she sent got lost somewhere on the way :( but she took the time and made me another one. And what an ornament I received! I love it very much, the design, the colours, the stitching everything.

Thank you so much Bonnie!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Just Nan Seems to be Lost

Edit's Just Nan that I mailed on June 29th seems to be lost out there somewhere.
I keep hoping it will arrive but as each day goes by it seems doubtful.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Just Nan From Kate

The mail lady brought me a package, always very exciting. It was from Kate It is beautifully stitched and finished and has my favorite lavender colors. It is my first Just Nan and I just love it. She also sent a pretty card, some lavender beads and some stick pins. I have never thought of using one for frogging. Thanks Kate, I am sure they will get a lot of use. lol. And thank you for stitching for me. I will treasure it always.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just Nan Sent

Just Nan is on it's way to it's new home. I hope it arrives safely and soon.
I hope that my partner will like it. It was such a fun stitch.
My first Just Nan.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Both of my pinkeeps arrived on the same day :-) Thank you so much Yoyo and Bonnie - they are both gorgeous, and I loved the extra goodies you sent. I am so glad that both of the ones I sent arrived safe and sound and are loved by their new owners!! I will have to get around to taking pics - I am not that organised at the moment.

Isn't it wonderful that I can report that our first exchange was a resounding success!!! 100% success rate in fact. Well done everyone!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pinkeep From Marie

I have received a most beautiful pinkeep from Marie. She chose a design of a colonial house that I really like. It is so delicate and beautifully stitched and finished. The back is stitched with the words, "In this keep my pins may sleep". She added a pastel green ribbon around the edges and added some pins on each side. She also sent 3 skeins of pretty floss from Australia, some pretty Lady Bird Fabric ( I really like lady birds and already have some ideas on how to use it) and some lace and ribbons that I can add to my stash. Marie also included a Key Ring from Australia. I have placed it on my ring of keys that I use at work znd wear on my belt loop. I had a hard time getting it attatched so I have no picture of it. Didn't think you wanted to see a pic
of my keys, lol. Thanks so much Marie,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pinkeep Finished and on It's Way

A day late in mailing but,I couldn't make it to the PO yesterday.
It has a ways to travel, hope it makes it okay.