Showing posts with label Lynn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lynn. Show all posts

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thank you, Lynn!!!!

Your package arrived on Thursday. Thank you very much. I love it all. The Ladybug Needlebook is so adorable. I have made needlebooks for 2 exhchanges already and now finally I have one of my own. Thank you also for the needles, cording (I already have a use for both of them) and for the napkins.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank you, Lynn!

Beautiful day here, made even better by the parcel in my mail box from Lynn! Thank you, dear friend, it's lovely!  A very spring like little pillow which will look wonderful on the door that leads to the deck.  Apo logies for the photograph, you appear to be seeing a bit of the doormat  and some of the (rapidly receding, hooray) white stuff as well!

Lynn kindly put in some pretty post-its, some hand made cording ( ) which will be very useful and some springy buttons, even the cord was called Spring Joy!

love, gillie

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Exchange rec'd!

Have to show you all my great little exchange that I received from Despina for our "Ready for Spring" exchange! This little tray is SO cute! I LOVE it! She also sent along a few charts to add to my stash of "want to do as soon as..." as well! GREAT stuff!
THANK YOU so much Despina for a great exchange!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Anything Christmas exchange received...

Alrighty...Let's try this again! I had the WRONG Christmas exchange picture in here! I'm just a LITTLE frazzled with the holiday rush! Ha!
I received this VERY cute little wooden box from Michele yesterday for our "anything Christmas" exchange. She also added in enough holiday/winter type buttons to keep me supplied for a quite a while!
SUPER GREAT little gift you sent Michelle!
Thank you again so much!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Keep safe and have a wonderful week!

Lynn S. in Mn.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Received ornie from Lynn

I received my Anything Christmas ornament today from Lynn. It is a design by Blue Ribbon Designs, with a few personal touches by Lynn. She added a star on top of the big tree and beads on the branches of the two small trees. And the backing fabric is perfect! It is going right on my ornament tree! :)

Lynn also included a few 'goodies' : package of beads,in Christmas colors; package of assorted teensy buttons also in Christmas colors and 8 holiday note cards. I love the entire package Lynn! Thanks a lot!



Friday, December 11, 2009

Anything Christmas package mailed....

Hey! Merry Christmas everyone!
Have my package off to my exchange partner too! Hope she likes!
Take care!
Have a GREAT holiday season everyone!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Harvest Exchange Received

I received my lovely Harvest Exchange from Lynn today! Isn't it sweet??? Thanks Lynn, I love it!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Harvest Time Exchange received.....

So sorry it's taking me so long to post that I have received my "Harvest Time" exchange but I have been out of town for what seems like FOREVER! I am FINALLY home and I think settled back in here for the coming winter.
Elisa sent me the cutest little pillow with a harvest design on it! It's approx. 8" square and will sit on a small shelf I have with a nice fall candle. She also sent me a couple of flosses. I can use those ALWAYS too!
Thank you SO MUCH Elisa!

Lynn S. in Mn, USA

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Harvest Time Exchange....

Hi all...My HARVEST TIME exchange is on its way to its new owner! I hope it travels safe and she really likes it!

Lynn S. in Mn...(snowing WAY TOO EARLY here! GRRRRR!)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

LHN Exchange

I received mine from Lynn yesterday. Thank you so much Lynn, I love it!! I especially love the way you have finished it!! I can't wait to see if my partner likes hers lol, almost everything else I posted out has arrived, so I am waiting eagerly!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LHN Received!!

While I was away (again) for the last couple of weeks, the nice people at my post office here kept my little pkg. with the "In the style of LHN" exchange that Gaynor had sent to me all the way from Ireland. Weren't they so nice? I wasn't having a very nice day yesterday so this little treat was nice to come home to. Gaynor made up the sweetest little bell pull complete with a hanger and little bell plus she also sent me a couple of skeins of Dinkey Dyes threads as well! THANK YOU so much Gaynor! You did a wonderful job on this exchange!

Lynn S. in Mn.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

LHN exchange on it's way!

My LHN exchange project is on it's way today! I'm afraid the person receiving it won't get it by the assigned deadline but hope it's worth the wait for you! It was fun stitching it and it was my very first LHN design I've stitched too. Loved it! Guessing i"ll be making another for myself soon!

Lynn S. in Mn.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Pinkeep has arrived!

Today I received in my mailbox my pinkeep from Marie all the way from Australia! She sent the cutest pinkeep with a lady bug design. On the back side is the cutest ladybug fabric. She also sent along some trims for my stitching finishes and a piece of heart cute too! Plus she also sent along some hand dyed flosses from Australia as well. THANK YOU so much Marie!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hi Everyone...
Just a note let you know my pinkeep is on it's way to "guess where" today.
Sure hope my exchange person will like it! It was fun to stitch and put together!
Lynn S. in Mn.