Showing posts with label LHN exchange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LHN exchange. Show all posts

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thank You Gillie

Here is the beautiful stitched pillow which arrived from Gillie this morning for the "in the style of LHN" exchange…isn’t it just perfect, I adore it so much and has taken pride of place on my stitching cabinet.
SDC10878 SDC10877 She also very kindly included some silks too, I have never tried the “Thread Gatherer” before so I will enjoy using it :)
Hugs & Stitches
Elisa x

Saturday, August 29, 2009

LHN Exchange

I received mine from Lynn yesterday. Thank you so much Lynn, I love it!! I especially love the way you have finished it!! I can't wait to see if my partner likes hers lol, almost everything else I posted out has arrived, so I am waiting eagerly!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

LHN Exhange Arrived

My beautiful In the Style of LHN exchange arrived today from Wendy. It is a wonderful notebook with LHN 'ladybug, ladybug' design on the front. She also sent me two scented DMC threads which I have never tried before so I am very pleased!
In light of me just starting at university, the idea of a notebook is fantastic. Great gift and great timing. Thank you very much Wendy!


My LHN is on it's way - apologies again for the long wait, it was the domino effect of starting late on the first one!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LHN Received!!

While I was away (again) for the last couple of weeks, the nice people at my post office here kept my little pkg. with the "In the style of LHN" exchange that Gaynor had sent to me all the way from Ireland. Weren't they so nice? I wasn't having a very nice day yesterday so this little treat was nice to come home to. Gaynor made up the sweetest little bell pull complete with a hanger and little bell plus she also sent me a couple of skeins of Dinkey Dyes threads as well! THANK YOU so much Gaynor! You did a wonderful job on this exchange!

Lynn S. in Mn.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In the Style of LHN posted

Wendy Jo asked me to post this for her as her computer and Blogger don't seem to be speaking to each other today. She put her In the Style of LHN package in the mail and is hoping it arrives safely at it's new home very soon.

Hugs, Wendy, hope your computer problem doesn't last too long.

Monday, August 24, 2009

My LHN exchange from Lisa

This is a not very good photograph of a beautiful LHN ornament from Lisa, thank you again, Lisa! I also received some rings and floss tags that will come in very useful as I am trying to get my threads in some sort of easy to find order. A long process!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

LHN on it's way

I finally finished work early enough to get to a PO and get this in the mail!! I can't wait to see if it's new owner likes it, I was soooo tempted to keep it lol

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Have Received..

My "In The Style of LHN" piece from Kate. Kate stitched me a "By The Bay" freebie design and made it in a cute little needlebook.
I love it Kate, thank you very much.
My partner should be close to receiving my piece soon, if not already, I'm hoping they love what I sent.
Happy stitching everyone, looking forward to the next exchange.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

LHN on its way!

I mail my LHN exchange today. May not arrive by the 13th but, I had a hard time with the heat. It is an in the style of LHN, as I did not have any LHN patterns. Hope my partner likes it.

LHN exchange on it's way!

My LHN exchange project is on it's way today! I'm afraid the person receiving it won't get it by the assigned deadline but hope it's worth the wait for you! It was fun stitching it and it was my very first LHN design I've stitched too. Loved it! Guessing i"ll be making another for myself soon!

Lynn S. in Mn.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

LHN Away!!!!!


My LHN exchange is on it's way and I have to say, I would have quite like to have kept it...always a sign it turned out OK. As I am new to most finishing styles, there is always an element of fear but I really, really enjoyed stitching this and I hope my exchange partner likes it.

I am sending it registered post as after all that effort I would hate for it to get lost, and you never know...if the leprochauns are feeling a bit naughty anything can happen.
All the best

My LHN is flying away...

Today I posted my LHN exchange to my partner, I really hope they like what I made.
Happy Stitching.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

LHN Received

Received this from Elisa in the UK. It was her first pillow finish and tassels as well. I think she did a great job. She also included two skeins of variegated floss. Thank you very much.

Monday, July 27, 2009

LHN Exchange “en route”


…to its new owner…it has a fair way to travel so hopefully should be there in a 10 days or so…

Elisa x

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Partner List mailed

I just sent out e-mails to participants in the In the Style of LHN Exchange. If you didn't get an e-mail and should have please don't hesitate to let me know. Your exchange should be mailed by August 13th. I hope everyone has a great time with this exchange.

I did see a wonderful note from Marie that says she is feeling better posted just before this one. I'm really happy to hear she is feeling better. But, just in case, let's leave me as the contact until we know that Marie is absolutely fully recovered...I'm sure by the time the next exchange is lined up she'll be back with us full time. Welcome back sweetling, glad you are feeling good again.

So who has received their JN exchange, pictures girls we want to see lots and lots of pictures (LOL).

If you have suggestions for our next exchange please put a comment in Marie's Post (click here)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

LHN Exchange

As I have quite a few LHN charts am I ok to actually stitch one of these for the exchange rather than an "in the style" one...wanted to clarify this before I make a start...


Elisa x