Showing posts with label WendyJo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WendyJo. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Gorgeous Spring Exchange!

I received my spring exchange in the mail last night from Joanne last night and I absolutely LOVE the pinkeep and the fabric and ribbon as well.

Thanks so much Joanne.

Hugs to you,
Wendy Jo

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spring Exchange is being mailed...

tomorrow morning! It has a journey to make so hopefully it won't take too long!

Wendy Jo

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank You Wendy Jo

Here is the lovely ornament I received from Wendy Jo, it is perfect for me as I love traditional red, gold and green on ,my tree so it will fit in perfectly…SDC11013

Thank you so much….

Elisa x

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Christmas exchange is being mailed this

morning! I can't wait until it arrives at its new home!!

Wendy Jo

Saturday, October 24, 2009

LHN Exchange

Hi guys

So sorry I haven't been around. In a way I wish I was still off sick!! At least I had heaps of blogging and stitching time. These days I am out of the house at 5.30am and not home til 6 most evenings. It sucks!! But things will change (they better lol)

Thank you so much to Yoyo for keeping things going! I will email you this afternoon :-) I'm grabbing some computer and me time!

I have loved seeing everyones Harvest exchanges arriving!! They have been beautiful!!

I have waited in vain for Wendy's LHN to arrive, but finally have to giev up I think :-(. I have stitched a replacement so will get that off to you on Monday Wendy. I did want to show off the missing piece though so I'll post a pic of it on my blog later on when I update it (so call it vanity lol, I was soooo proud of how it turned out!!)


Harvest Exchange from Lisa V.!

Lisa's package was in my mailbox last night! She stitched Bent' Creek's "Giving Thanks" and made it into an adorable pinkeep! She also included some fabric that already is being put to use.

Thanks so much Lisa..I love my package!!!

Wendy Jo

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkins FOR Gillie - from Wendy Jo!

You know how, when you are stitching an exchange, there is that tiny moment at the end when you wish you were keeping the piece because you've got quite fond of it? And you suspect you'll probably never stitch it for yourself? Well, this time I don't have to worry as I received a beautiful pinkeep from Wendy Jo yesterday - in the same pattern that I stitched for Bonnie! Thank you so much, my first pinkeep and I love it. It reminds me that I need to make one and conquer my fear of doing so! I also received three gorgeous threads from GAST in lovely Fall-y colours.
Bonnie, thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry I forgot to mention that it was an LHN!
Now that I'm back with the good girls (having got my exchange completed in time!) - what are we doing next?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I am mailing my Harvest Time Exchange today

should not take long to reach its destination!!

Wendy Jo

Friday, August 28, 2009

LHN Exhange Arrived

My beautiful In the Style of LHN exchange arrived today from Wendy. It is a wonderful notebook with LHN 'ladybug, ladybug' design on the front. She also sent me two scented DMC threads which I have never tried before so I am very pleased!
In light of me just starting at university, the idea of a notebook is fantastic. Great gift and great timing. Thank you very much Wendy!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In the Style of LHN posted

Wendy Jo asked me to post this for her as her computer and Blogger don't seem to be speaking to each other today. She put her In the Style of LHN package in the mail and is hoping it arrives safely at it's new home very soon.

Hugs, Wendy, hope your computer problem doesn't last too long.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Introduction of a New Member

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself to the group. My name is Wendy Jo Brees and I live in Muscatine, Iowa. I have been stitching for over 20 years and enjoy stitching a variety of different designers. I love stitching on linen, primarily 28 to 32 ct but have recently been branching out into 36 ct and really am enjoying that as well.

Here is a link to my blog:

I am looking forward to getting to know you and exchanging with you as well.

Hugs and happy stitching,

Wendy Jo