Showing posts with label Yoyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoyo. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Exchange received from Yoyo...

I received my exchange from Yoyo and she stitched two pretty fall towels. Can't decide whether I can bring myself to use them! She also included some goodies, which I know I will be desicion needed there. Thanks again Yoyo....hope you are feeling better.

Karen T

Monday, October 26, 2009

Harvest Exchange from Aubree

I finally found the camera and got to snap a picture of this beautiful Harvest Exchange I received this week.
Harvest Exchange from Aubree

The little scissor fob is weighted with something that feels suspiciously like BBs. I really love the fabric Aubree used for the needle book, along with the 'Fall' design it just feels like such a happy little piece. I'll bet she had fun putting that together (LOL). There were also some really cute 'extras' in the package which will be included in my blog post. Thank you so much Aubree, this is a really lovely exchange piece.

Oh, and I finally managed to get my harvest piece finished, it will go in the mail first thing tomorrow. Sorry I am so awful late partner. You all should see me sitting in my chair with my feet all tucked up and my knees in my face trying to stitch, hubby keeps threatening to get a picture but I told him I'd throw a chair at him if he does. Anyway, I thank my dear partner for being so patient with me. You'll receive it soon now.

Happy Stitching,
bca            siggy

My Blog

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Exchange received

I woke up to an e-mail in my box this morning from Aubree. I received her beautiful exchange a day or two ago but hadn't posted yet because the dratted camera has disappeared again. I should have sent Aubree an e-mail but I figured the camera would turn up the minute I did that. Well, no camera yet, and poor Aubree is worried I didn't get it so I'm posting. I'll get a picture as soon as we figure out were DH put the camera after the football last weekend. Sorry I made you worry.
Happy Stitching

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL, come on over and join the fun.
My Photos

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Nan Biscornu

Marie sent me this stunning
Just Nan Exchange

Just Nan biscornu, and a really cool beaded scissor fob and some Australian threads which I forgot to put in the photo. I love it Marie, thank you so much. And I'll appreciate it all the more knowing you worked on it while you couldn't do much of anything else! Hugs. Oh, by the way, it really was worth the wait.

Monday, August 24, 2009

My lovely exchange from YoYo

Here's my beautiful Just Nan tape cover and goodies from YoYo with apologies for not putting up a picture before. Thank you again, YoYo!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I was just trying to determine if all of our Just Nan's are sent/received...and it was pretty hard to figure out because we're not putting any labels, or we're putting incorrect labels, or we have some not quite duplicate labels on our posts.

The list of searchable labels is complied by a computer, so remember that old saying "garbage in, garbage out"? The computer is quite literal, Yo Yo is not the same as Yoyo to the machine.

Please try to use the SHOW ALL feature when you label your posts (it's just to the right side of the label box). For instance, if you receive an exchange from me and want to put my name as a label, when you click on Show All you would see "Yoyo" as a previous label and you would not be tempted to type "Yo-Yo" or "Yo Yo" or "yoyo", see what I mean, we can get a lot of labels that are really only one label. If we use that Show All feature, we just click on the previously used label and it will magically appear in the label box and make searching ever so much easier.

It would really be lovely if you could put Your Name, the Exchange Name and Your Partner's name if that has already been revealed in every post. If there is something unique about this post, then add a new label if you like, for example the type of finish or the source of the design, or the off topic subject even. Just remember labels should be 'general' and of a nature to be a useful 'search criteria' to other readers.

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL, come on over and join the fun.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Exchange from YoYo

YoYo, thank you so much for my parcel - see the lovely things I got, including my first tape measure cover done in lovely purples and pinks along with some lilac fabric and some gorgeous threads.

I am stitching away like mad but have been thrown by migraines recently and I was late starting. I have a new physical therapist who is working me to death but it seems to be working, no headaches since Monday, fingers crossed!

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Friday, July 3, 2009

What mail?

I went out to the ballpark with DH for the first time in months this evening...and good thing I did too!stainedglass

I had given him my package to mail on Monday and guess who forgot the post office in his list of errands and left my package sitting on the backseat of his car. I am terribly sorry partner, but I will personally take it to the post office first thing in the morning. Mine is not going too far so it won't be too awful late, but I do apologize anyway. Here is an actual picture of it just so you won't get too over anxious. Of course, I do have some really nice 'photo manipulation' software (LOL).

Monday, May 11, 2009


Both of my pinkeeps arrived on the same day :-) Thank you so much Yoyo and Bonnie - they are both gorgeous, and I loved the extra goodies you sent. I am so glad that both of the ones I sent arrived safe and sound and are loved by their new owners!! I will have to get around to taking pics - I am not that organised at the moment.

Isn't it wonderful that I can report that our first exchange was a resounding success!!! 100% success rate in fact. Well done everyone!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pinkeep received

I received the loveliest little pinkeep from Kate...but my camera has taken a walk in the park with the boy scouts today so I will post a picture tomorrow. I just didn't want Kate to worry it hadn't arrived yet.

Since this post

Side one, a
lovely stitcher's design.

is still at the top I'm adding the pictures. This is Kate's first pinkeep, but you sure can't tell it,she did a wonderful job and I'm soooooo happy to have this addition to my fast growing collection of pinkeeps. She put some lovely lace for the edging and then ---- she very cleverly stitched both sides of her pinkeep, is that cool or what!! She also included some extra's in the exchange but I forgot to get a total picture and I

A darling kitty, with
Kate's initials on the other side.

really need to get my burning eyes off the computer screen so I can't show you the exquisite little stitching charms and other items she sent me, I love them. As soon as I saw the dragonfly charm I remembered a small ornament chart I have not stitched because I didn't have a dragonfly charm to put on that might come around soon! Thank you so much Kate for a beautiful pinkeep and a lovely exchange.

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL, come on over and join the fun.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Exchange Received !!

Oh my Gosh, the pinkeep is really beautiful. And the piece of linen is one of my favorite colors. I can't wait to find a project to use it on.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Beautiful Pinkeep Arrived

I received this lovely pinkeep late Friday, but with the grandchildren
Pinkeep from Shay, Texas, USA

here haven't been able to get to the computer much. This came at just the perfect time. I had just posted instructions on how to "gather" a ribbon to go around a pinkeep on one of my BBs because I'm heading up a Pinkeep-A-Long but I didn't have an example to show. So, guess what I just finished doing. I quickly snapped pictures and added it to the instructions I had posted the other day. I was very sure to tell them it was Shay who did the beautiful work too! She not only gathered the ribbon but put a scissors pocket on the back. This is just a really well made and beautiful pinkeep, Shay. Thank you so much. I am truly proud to own this.

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL, come on over and join the fun.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pinkeep Flew Away

Oh, sorry didn't think about putting an actual post, I just left a comment, oooops. My pinkeep went out on time on Tuesday. I almost didn't make the deadline waiting for glue to dry, but it seemed dry to me before the P.O. closed so DH ran it over for me. I actually had a hard time mailing it because I like the design so much, may have to do it again for myself, so ENJOY Partner!!