Showing posts with label Gillie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gillie. Show all posts

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thank you, Karin!

My lovely parcel for the In the Garden exchange arrived yesterday from Karin in South Africa - a beautiful stitched top on a tin!  I didn't join in an Altoid tin exchange on another group as I was not confident of doing a good job, but would really have liked to receive one......and now I have!  Karin says it's her first attempt and she did a great job.  The weather has gone completely downhill since I posted earlier in the week and it's grey and rainy here so I'll take a photograph tomorrow of my sweet tin and the goodies I received.  Thank you again, dear friend!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My exchange is on its way from Michigan to........?

Nothing like squeaking in on the last day, in the last half hour before the post office closes!  It's a gorgeous day in Michigan, the washing is drying on the line and will smell wonderful and the leaves are that gorgeous pale green of newness!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Received From Gillie

Gillie, millions of thanks fort his really really pretty spring pillow.  You have no idea how happy I am with it.  I love the design and the soft colors, it is perfect for me as I love gardening!!  Thank you for all the extra special fabric too!! xxx

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank you, Lynn!

Beautiful day here, made even better by the parcel in my mail box from Lynn! Thank you, dear friend, it's lovely!  A very spring like little pillow which will look wonderful on the door that leads to the deck.  Apo logies for the photograph, you appear to be seeing a bit of the doormat  and some of the (rapidly receding, hooray) white stuff as well!

Lynn kindly put in some pretty post-its, some hand made cording ( ) which will be very useful and some springy buttons, even the cord was called Spring Joy!

love, gillie

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gillie's exchange sent to ?

Whew, just got to the post office before they closed for lunch and my parcel is on its way! I took a photograph outside of my piece before I packed it up and you can see the snow quite clearly in the background(big sigh) but the sun is shining- yay!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkins FOR Gillie - from Wendy Jo!

You know how, when you are stitching an exchange, there is that tiny moment at the end when you wish you were keeping the piece because you've got quite fond of it? And you suspect you'll probably never stitch it for yourself? Well, this time I don't have to worry as I received a beautiful pinkeep from Wendy Jo yesterday - in the same pattern that I stitched for Bonnie! Thank you so much, my first pinkeep and I love it. It reminds me that I need to make one and conquer my fear of doing so! I also received three gorgeous threads from GAST in lovely Fall-y colours.
Bonnie, thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry I forgot to mention that it was an LHN!
Now that I'm back with the good girls (having got my exchange completed in time!) - what are we doing next?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Pumpkins From Gillie

Today was a Happy Day in Gilbert. The mailman left a parcel in the box from Gillie.

It was a wonderful gift stitched so beautifully along with a pretty butterfly card, some Thread Drops and a skein of Weeks Dye Works Harvest.

She didn't mention who the designer was, but I knew immediately that it was LHN's Pumpkins cause I was thinking about stitching one for myself. I am really into pumpkins this year. Thanks so much Gillie, you chose the perfect design to stitch for me. It is my first Little House Needlework.

My Harvest Time exchange piece is on its way to.......?

Good grief, my head is full of radon testing (and remediation, alas!), booking removal vans and wondering how one reasonably sized house can take FOUR days to be packed up!

Anyway, because of all that completely forgot to say that my parcel left the Post Office on October 7th, and it should arrive soon, I hope!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thank You Gillie

Here is the beautiful stitched pillow which arrived from Gillie this morning for the "in the style of LHN" exchange…isn’t it just perfect, I adore it so much and has taken pride of place on my stitching cabinet.
SDC10878 SDC10877 She also very kindly included some silks too, I have never tried the “Thread Gatherer” before so I will enjoy using it :)
Hugs & Stitches
Elisa x

Friday, August 28, 2009


My LHN is on it's way - apologies again for the long wait, it was the domino effect of starting late on the first one!

Monday, August 24, 2009

My LHN exchange from Lisa

This is a not very good photograph of a beautiful LHN ornament from Lisa, thank you again, Lisa! I also received some rings and floss tags that will come in very useful as I am trying to get my threads in some sort of easy to find order. A long process!

My lovely exchange from YoYo

Here's my beautiful Just Nan tape cover and goodies from YoYo with apologies for not putting up a picture before. Thank you again, YoYo!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Nan Pic

Here is the pic of my Just Nan from Gillie, as promised. Don't tell anyone I've snuck onto the computer while DH is getting dinner lol. I think this design is called Sparkling Iris?? Is that right Gillie?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just Nan Exchange

I have received my Just Nan from Gillie - thank you so much Gillie - I feel so totally spoiled!!! Will try and get a pic done tonight.

I have returned to work (but no the belly is still not right) so am up at 5.30 and in bed before 9 atm :-( Hopefully things will settle when I get to know the run better. All I can say is thank goodness for Yoyo!!!

A quick welcome to new members as well

Thursday, August 6, 2009

From The Home of the Totally Useless Stitcher....

Hi everybody,

.....To paraphrase YoYo and her Totally Useless SAL! I finally finished my Just Nan piece and it's on its way with a few tiny treats by way of apology. I knew I was going to be late and had permission but not this late! I do have exciting news from here, though - my husband has a job after six months of being without one. The only thing is that it's in Michigan and his company want us to move NOW! We have spent the whole of July sorting and cleaning, working some of the time, arranging for a realtor, a painter, landscapers to tidy our somewhat overgrown garden, all with the help of my sister and husband who, most unwisely, arrived for a holiday with us! We couldn't have done it without them! Anyway, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! Apologies to my dear exchange partner! Onto the LHN piece now!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Exchange from YoYo

YoYo, thank you so much for my parcel - see the lovely things I got, including my first tape measure cover done in lovely purples and pinks along with some lilac fabric and some gorgeous threads.

I am stitching away like mad but have been thrown by migraines recently and I was late starting. I have a new physical therapist who is working me to death but it seems to be working, no headaches since Monday, fingers crossed!

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Friday, May 15, 2009


We are going to stitch a Just Nan piece, and mail it out in June. Then we will stitch a LHN piece and mail it out in, I suspect August.

New member!

Thank you for letting me join! I have a question about the next exchange, do we stitch something from LHN, finish it, and then send it? And the same for Just Nan?