Showing posts with label Spring Exchange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Exchange. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Gorgeous Spring Exchange!

I received my spring exchange in the mail last night from Joanne last night and I absolutely LOVE the pinkeep and the fabric and ribbon as well.

Thanks so much Joanne.

Hugs to you,
Wendy Jo

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Received From Gillie

Gillie, millions of thanks fort his really really pretty spring pillow.  You have no idea how happy I am with it.  I love the design and the soft colors, it is perfect for me as I love gardening!!  Thank you for all the extra special fabric too!! xxx

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thank you, Lynn!

Beautiful day here, made even better by the parcel in my mail box from Lynn! Thank you, dear friend, it's lovely!  A very spring like little pillow which will look wonderful on the door that leads to the deck.  Apo logies for the photograph, you appear to be seeing a bit of the doormat  and some of the (rapidly receding, hooray) white stuff as well!

Lynn kindly put in some pretty post-its, some hand made cording ( ) which will be very useful and some springy buttons, even the cord was called Spring Joy!

love, gillie

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Exchange rec'd!

Have to show you all my great little exchange that I received from Despina for our "Ready for Spring" exchange! This little tray is SO cute! I LOVE it! She also sent along a few charts to add to my stash of "want to do as soon as..." as well! GREAT stuff!
THANK YOU so much Despina for a great exchange!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Someone's Spring Exchange Package has now been mailed......

I mailed my partner's Spring Exchange package this morning. It has a ways to go but hopefully it won't be to long a wait.


Gillie's exchange sent to ?

Whew, just got to the post office before they closed for lunch and my parcel is on its way! I took a photograph outside of my piece before I packed it up and you can see the snow quite clearly in the background(big sigh) but the sun is shining- yay!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Received Ready for Spring Exchange

My apologies for taking so long to make this post. I received my package from Karin over a week ago. It included this lovely Spring ornament, some pretty beads, orange eye pads and a delicious chocolate bar (milk chocolate topped with white chocolate with mint) that didn`t survive long enough to be photographed. LOL!!!!!!!!

Thank you, Karin!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be mailing my package out tomorrow.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring Exchange

Hi Ladies,

Just a quick note to let you know that my Spring Exchange has been sent out today.! Was such great fun, hope my partner likes it.!

Hugs and Happy Stitching,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spring Exchange is being mailed...

tomorrow morning! It has a journey to make so hopefully it won't take too long!

Wendy Jo

Spring Exchange Mailed

Quick note to let everyone know that my SE was mailed out yesterday! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Spring Exchange

I mailed my parcel today, hope it arrives safely as it has got to travel thousands of km's to reach its destination.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Boy you gals really like to keep me on my toes, don't ya. I never know how much to restrict the requirements for an exchange piece but apparently most of you don't like "no restrictions" either, or maybe it's just you want "some examples", I'm not sure. I have gotten several e-mails asking what are the requirements for the new exchange, "Ready for Spring"? or "what do mean, Yoyo, when you say 'Ready for Spring'." I guess it does mean different things to different people. Ok, so here are some examples -- with as few restrictions as possible.

For me Spring is a romantic time. Friends meeting again after a long winter apart. Lovers falling in love -- their hearts beating in time with the birds' merry songs. That music floating through the air carried to every flower, chick and bumble bee. The earth is reborn and renewed, cows and sheep and pigs and rabbits and fox, all rejoicing in Spring. Children hunting Easter Eggs through the daffodils and daisies. Rainbows of color bursting out in stripes and spots and polka dots. Babies laughing, farmers plowing and mothers stitching under a tree. So many beautiful biscornu, needlerolls, tea towels, pin keeps, greeting cards, samplers and ornaments falling from their laps. Friendship, happiness and love. That's what Spring means to me.

But yawl really should figure out what Spring is for you and go from there (LOL).

You have until January 22nd (midnight US Central time) to sign up for our "Ready for Spring" exchange. Send e-mail to yoyo_9203 at yahoo dot com including your name and mailing address in the body and 'Ready for Spring' in the Subject Line. As always, "extras" are never required for our exchanges, we respect the financial situation of all of our members. A 'stitched-by-you' item is the only requirement. Well, a little note that gives your name and the name of the exchange is helpful, too.

Happy Stitching

bca siggy

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL
and the Christmas Design SAL, come on over and join the fun.
My Photos

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ready for Spring Exchange

I know I am really late in getting this out, but December was simply not a good month for me health wise. I am much better ('cause I know you'll ask) and I'm ready for it to be Spring. I thought by the time we get a new exchange done it will just about be here, so how about "Ready for Spring" for our new exchange?

Sign up for this exchange before January 22 (midnight US central time) and mailing date will be March 1, 2010. That's six weeks and a day -- I like to set the day on Monday just so you won't be late if you miss a Saturday date. To join "Ready for Spring" exchange send e-mail to yoyo_9203 at yahoo dot com. Please put Ready for Spring Exchange in the subject line.

There are still a few exchanges out, so if you have received your exchange please post a message on the board. If you have not received an exchange please let me know and I'll nudge your partner. I have sent a couple of 'nudges' -- you NEED to return my messages! If you are having trouble fulfilling an obligation we can help you out. We all know life happens but let's keep it good for our exchange partners by telling me if your life is happening too fast.

Have a lovely day whereever you are.
Happy Stitching

bca siggy

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL
and the Christmas Design SAL, come on over and join the fun.
My Photos