Showing posts with label Sheril. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheril. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

pictures of exchange from Loretta

I was able to snap a few pictures in between rain showers today. I'm afraid they might be a bit blurry though. Loretta send me a needlekeeper, cross stitch notepaper, gold needles and a piece of fabric. The fabric inside of the needlekeeper is very elegant.

I appreciate all of it and will definitely use them.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I received a package today from Loretta in Canada

She made a beautiful needle keep and if there is a break in the weather tomorrow I will take some pictures. Thank you very much!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thank You Sheril

SDC10946 SDC10944 SDC10945

Look at this fantastic needle & pin mind which Sheril has made for me…I just love it, the autumnal fabric is beautiful and all the colours she has used compliment it so well…I LOVE IT!!

Thanks again Sheril

Hugs & Stitches

Elisa x

Monday, October 5, 2009

I received a package in the mail yesterday

A big thank you to Maggee! I wish my camera was working right now so I could post a picture. It is very nicely done. She did one of the squares from Automnology and it is finished beautifully. Maggee, if you have a picture you can post before I get my hands on a camera, please do!

Thank you again. It is hanging on a door knob right now where everyone can see it :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I am sending my exchange today.

It has a long journey and I hope it arrives safely.