Showing posts with label Just Nan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Just Nan. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just Nan arrived!!!!

Today I have received the most beautiful ornament from Bonnie. The first piece she sent got lost somewhere on the way :( but she took the time and made me another one. And what an ornament I received! I love it very much, the design, the colours, the stitching everything.

Thank you so much Bonnie!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Just Nan From Kate

The mail lady brought me a package, always very exciting. It was from Kate It is beautifully stitched and finished and has my favorite lavender colors. It is my first Just Nan and I just love it. She also sent a pretty card, some lavender beads and some stick pins. I have never thought of using one for frogging. Thanks Kate, I am sure they will get a lot of use. lol. And thank you for stitching for me. I will treasure it always.