Showing posts with label Pinkeep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinkeep. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkins FOR Gillie - from Wendy Jo!

You know how, when you are stitching an exchange, there is that tiny moment at the end when you wish you were keeping the piece because you've got quite fond of it? And you suspect you'll probably never stitch it for yourself? Well, this time I don't have to worry as I received a beautiful pinkeep from Wendy Jo yesterday - in the same pattern that I stitched for Bonnie! Thank you so much, my first pinkeep and I love it. It reminds me that I need to make one and conquer my fear of doing so! I also received three gorgeous threads from GAST in lovely Fall-y colours.
Bonnie, thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry I forgot to mention that it was an LHN!
Now that I'm back with the good girls (having got my exchange completed in time!) - what are we doing next?

Monday, May 11, 2009


Both of my pinkeeps arrived on the same day :-) Thank you so much Yoyo and Bonnie - they are both gorgeous, and I loved the extra goodies you sent. I am so glad that both of the ones I sent arrived safe and sound and are loved by their new owners!! I will have to get around to taking pics - I am not that organised at the moment.

Isn't it wonderful that I can report that our first exchange was a resounding success!!! 100% success rate in fact. Well done everyone!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Pinkeep has arrived!

Today I received in my mailbox my pinkeep from Marie all the way from Australia! She sent the cutest pinkeep with a lady bug design. On the back side is the cutest ladybug fabric. She also sent along some trims for my stitching finishes and a piece of heart cute too! Plus she also sent along some hand dyed flosses from Australia as well. THANK YOU so much Marie!

Pinkeep From Marie

I have received a most beautiful pinkeep from Marie. She chose a design of a colonial house that I really like. It is so delicate and beautifully stitched and finished. The back is stitched with the words, "In this keep my pins may sleep". She added a pastel green ribbon around the edges and added some pins on each side. She also sent 3 skeins of pretty floss from Australia, some pretty Lady Bird Fabric ( I really like lady birds and already have some ideas on how to use it) and some lace and ribbons that I can add to my stash. Marie also included a Key Ring from Australia. I have placed it on my ring of keys that I use at work znd wear on my belt loop. I had a hard time getting it attatched so I have no picture of it. Didn't think you wanted to see a pic
of my keys, lol. Thanks so much Marie,

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pinkeep received

I received the loveliest little pinkeep from Kate...but my camera has taken a walk in the park with the boy scouts today so I will post a picture tomorrow. I just didn't want Kate to worry it hadn't arrived yet.

Since this post

Side one, a
lovely stitcher's design.

is still at the top I'm adding the pictures. This is Kate's first pinkeep, but you sure can't tell it,she did a wonderful job and I'm soooooo happy to have this addition to my fast growing collection of pinkeeps. She put some lovely lace for the edging and then ---- she very cleverly stitched both sides of her pinkeep, is that cool or what!! She also included some extra's in the exchange but I forgot to get a total picture and I

A darling kitty, with
Kate's initials on the other side.

really need to get my burning eyes off the computer screen so I can't show you the exquisite little stitching charms and other items she sent me, I love them. As soon as I saw the dragonfly charm I remembered a small ornament chart I have not stitched because I didn't have a dragonfly charm to put on that might come around soon! Thank you so much Kate for a beautiful pinkeep and a lovely exchange.

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL, come on over and join the fun.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pinkeep Exchange Update

Ok, bearing in mind I am still a bit fuzzy after my Op on Tuesday, I have sat down to work out where we are up to. From reading posts it looks like all have posted out - well done!!!
So far the Pinkeeps that have made it to their new homes homes were for Shay, Kate and Sharon. Am I correct? Or have I missed someone.

I have to say it's so exciting seeing the pics coming in!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Exchange Received !!

Oh my Gosh, the pinkeep is really beautiful. And the piece of linen is one of my favorite colors. I can't wait to find a project to use it on.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Exchange Mailed !!!

I got my exchange in the mail this morning. Hope it reaches its destination quickly. I am to say the least not really happy with the finish but it was my FIRST finish that came out. The real first piece was relegated to the scrap pile. Maybe I can salvage it, but, who knows. Hope my partner likes it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Beautiful Pinkeep Arrived

I received this lovely pinkeep late Friday, but with the grandchildren
Pinkeep from Shay, Texas, USA

here haven't been able to get to the computer much. This came at just the perfect time. I had just posted instructions on how to "gather" a ribbon to go around a pinkeep on one of my BBs because I'm heading up a Pinkeep-A-Long but I didn't have an example to show. So, guess what I just finished doing. I quickly snapped pictures and added it to the instructions I had posted the other day. I was very sure to tell them it was Shay who did the beautiful work too! She not only gathered the ribbon but put a scissors pocket on the back. This is just a really well made and beautiful pinkeep, Shay. Thank you so much. I am truly proud to own this.

My Blog, Home of the Totally Useless SAL, come on over and join the fun.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lagging behind

Umm, remember how organised I was with my pinkeep? Well I sort of forgot to actually mail it. So I apologise heaps and heaps to my partner. What a great example I am!!!! NOT lol

I was going to post it this morning but forgot that everything is closed with today being ANZAC Day. So it will have to go Monday. I hope you think it's worth the wait :-)

It is great to see everyone posting!!! And how exciting to see our first pinkeep!!!!!!!!!! It's gorgeous. I can't wait to see the rest!


Although be it a week late, I am doing the happy dance. I will ship Monday to my partner. I really enjoyed this. I look forward to the Just Nan exchange next.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Here it is........

My Sweet and clever Pinkeep.
Thanks so very much!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My pinkeep is here

I received my pinkeep from Sharon it arrived yesterday. DH will take a pic today so I can post it. It so darling!! It's Shepards Bush one of my Fav designers. It came with a great piece of trim I'm dying to use.
Thanks you Sharon


Mailed on Monday....

Pinkeep went on it's merry way yesterday! Can't wait to hear if it is loved!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In the Post


My Pinkeep is on the way to it's new owner....I also made one for myself so you can know that I loved the pattern!

Pinkeep Finished and on It's Way

A day late in mailing but,I couldn't make it to the PO yesterday.
It has a ways to travel, hope it makes it okay.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pinkeep Flew Away

Oh, sorry didn't think about putting an actual post, I just left a comment, oooops. My pinkeep went out on time on Tuesday. I almost didn't make the deadline waiting for glue to dry, but it seemed dry to me before the P.O. closed so DH ran it over for me. I actually had a hard time mailing it because I like the design so much, may have to do it again for myself, so ENJOY Partner!!

Pinkeep on it's way

HI All
My pinkeep is on it's way today. Sorry I'm late but I forgot to take it with me to mail yesterday and the Post Office is closed when I get home. I hope my partner likes it.

Hi Everyone...
Just a note let you know my pinkeep is on it's way to "guess where" today.
Sure hope my exchange person will like it! It was fun to stitch and put together!
Lynn S. in Mn.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Are we ready??

Just wondering how you are all going with your pinkeeps? I got mine organised for posting off tomorrow. I'm not usually so sickeningly organised lol.

Some of you may have noticed I added our next exchange, so give it some thought...................

Don't forget to Post to the blog when you have mailed your pinkeeps.