Showing posts with label Elisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elisa. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Exchange Arrived from Elisa

Look at this sweet ornament that I got in the mail from Elisa for the Anything Christmas exchange! Isn't it gorgeous? Thanks Elisa, I LOVE it!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank You Wendy Jo

Here is the lovely ornament I received from Wendy Jo, it is perfect for me as I love traditional red, gold and green on ,my tree so it will fit in perfectly…SDC11013

Thank you so much….

Elisa x

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Anything Christmas...

exchange parcel will be in the mail tomorrow...hopefully it won't take too long to arrive.

Elisa x

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Harvest Time Exchange received.....

So sorry it's taking me so long to post that I have received my "Harvest Time" exchange but I have been out of town for what seems like FOREVER! I am FINALLY home and I think settled back in here for the coming winter.
Elisa sent me the cutest little pillow with a harvest design on it! It's approx. 8" square and will sit on a small shelf I have with a nice fall candle. She also sent me a couple of flosses. I can use those ALWAYS too!
Thank you SO MUCH Elisa!

Lynn S. in Mn, USA

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thank You Sheril

SDC10946 SDC10944 SDC10945

Look at this fantastic needle & pin mind which Sheril has made for me…I just love it, the autumnal fabric is beautiful and all the colours she has used compliment it so well…I LOVE IT!!

Thanks again Sheril

Hugs & Stitches

Elisa x

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Slightly worried...

as I sent my exchange piece almost a month had to travel overseas...but I also sent another package at the same time which was travelling to the same country and that arrived 2 weeks ago...

Elisa x

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Exchange Piece on it’s travels….


My Harvest exchange piece is on it’s way to my partner…shouldn’t take too long…finger’s crossed.

Hugs & Stitches

Elisa x

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thank You Gillie

Here is the beautiful stitched pillow which arrived from Gillie this morning for the "in the style of LHN" exchange…isn’t it just perfect, I adore it so much and has taken pride of place on my stitching cabinet.
SDC10878 SDC10877 She also very kindly included some silks too, I have never tried the “Thread Gatherer” before so I will enjoy using it :)
Hugs & Stitches
Elisa x

Sunday, August 2, 2009

LHN Received

Received this from Elisa in the UK. It was her first pillow finish and tassels as well. I think she did a great job. She also included two skeins of variegated floss. Thank you very much.

Monday, July 27, 2009

LHN Exchange “en route”


…to its new owner…it has a fair way to travel so hopefully should be there in a 10 days or so…

Elisa x

Saturday, July 4, 2009

LHN Exchange

As I have quite a few LHN charts am I ok to actually stitch one of these for the exchange rather than an "in the style" one...wanted to clarify this before I make a start...


Elisa x

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Exchanger Saying Hello


Hi my name is Elisa, I’m a 37 year old mum of a DS 5 years old and DD 7 months old, we live with my partner Shaun in York UK. I have been stitching for about 25 years and am totally addicted to it. I love exchanging and challenging myself to new finishing techniques etc.

I am really excited to join this blog and am looking forward to the LHN Exchange and making new friends.

Hugs & Stitches

Elisa x