Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My exchange is on its way from Michigan to........?

Nothing like squeaking in on the last day, in the last half hour before the post office closes!  It's a gorgeous day in Michigan, the washing is drying on the line and will smell wonderful and the leaves are that gorgeous pale green of newness!

"In the Garden" exchange....on it's way!

My "In the Garden Exchange" is on it's way to its new owner! Hopefully it won't take too long to get to her!

Have a great and happy day everyone!

Lynn S. in Mn., USA

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Spring Garden Exchange" received from Sheryl...

I received my beautiful "Spring Garden" exchange in the mail the other day from Sheryl so wanted to show you all what she has made for me.

She added a matching floss tag to her needle book as well as some extra goodies too! VERY generous and I will be using everything you sent Sheryl!
THANK YOU so much Sheryl! You did a great job!

Lynn S. in Mn., USA

Thursday, April 15, 2010

In the Garden

My parcel was posted today, hope it arrives safely!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Gorgeous Spring Exchange!

I received my spring exchange in the mail last night from Joanne last night and I absolutely LOVE the pinkeep and the fabric and ribbon as well.

Thanks so much Joanne.

Hugs to you,
Wendy Jo

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I am sending a my garden package today

It should arrive in a day or two (or three). I hope it does so safely.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Partners Sent

Flowered Biscornu,
You might receive a garden
design pin cushion in this exchange

I have mailed the Partner's letter for our new In the Garden Exchange. If you think you signed up for this exchange and did not receive an e-mail please let me know. Happy stitching to each of you.

I will try to have a new exchange posted around the beginning of April. Ideas, suggestions, helpful hints about what you would like that exchange to be are welcome!!!!!

Happy Stitching,
bca            siggy
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Home of the Totally Useless SAL
and now home of the Christmas Design SAL
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