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Showing posts with the label Corn

Polenta cut with a string, like Grandma used to make

Usually I make soft polenta, I always preferred the soft type that you spoon into a plate and cover with a thick wild mushroom sauce or a stew, but memories are coming back of the type of polenta my Grandmother used to make in the North of Veneto: it was dense and stirred with a thick wooden stick in a gigantic pot over a wood fire, and then she pour the hot golden mass on a big wooden tray where it set hard in no time. She kept the polenta in the drawer of the kitchen table so you could get a slice at any time, and attached to the wooden tray there was a piece of string used to slice the polenta, so you didn't even need a knife. Cutting polenta with a string Of course I attached a string to my chopping board: I wanted to do the same as Grandma, and I hope that you will like the idea too. Serve the slices with your favorite casserole, or top with cheese and let it melt, and when the polenta is cold just grill the slices or fry t...

Corn and Broccolini Salad with Miso Dressing

I don't plant much corn, but usually I get a beautiful photogenic crop... this year instead... just look at it! I laughed aloud thinking that I could have told you that this was a heirloom variety of some sort of ancient Maya corn, but I will be honest: this is dreadful! Still, I never get discouraged, and I hate wasting food. Not pretty? Never mind, it still tastes ok, and I could always match it with a good crop :-), like my broccolini! So I made this salad: I boiled the corn, cut off the kernels that were pretty, added some steamed broccolini and dressed the lot with a miso dressing (just white miso paste thinned down with a little hot water). It was super yummy! Photos and Recipes by Alessandra Zecchini  ©