Homemade mascarpone with Tawari honey, pistachio and dried strawberries Making mascarpone at home is one of my favourite occupations these days! A part from the 'magic' of it, and the resemblance to a chemistry experiment (I made this with Max, actually, he made it with me in the background giving instructions and liked doing it!) it is also so much cheaper, fresh and delicious that the one you buy! For the mascarpone recipe just click here , it is easier that you may think! When the mascarpone is ready just add a tbsp of honey (I used Airborne Tawari Honey ) and fold. Divide the mascarpone into 4 cups and it is ready to be eaten or topped with what you fancy. For this recipe I just toasted a few pistachios in a pan, then I rub them with a tea towel to take away loose skins and chopped them coarsely. Then I also added some Fresh As dried strawberries, crunchy and full of flavour and aroma. A simple dessert that everyone loved...