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Showing posts with the label goat cheese

Red beetroot soup with fresh goat cheese

  Red beetroot soup with fresh goat cheese This  colourful soup  is incredibly quick and simple to prepare, but the flavour (and look) is almost restaurant-like, and everyone will ask you for the recipe! Ingredients: 1 celery stick with leaves half onion half carrot 1 l light vegetable stock one pack LeaderBrand beetroot fresh goat cheese to serve freshly ground pepper (optional) Serves 4 - Gluten free - Vegetarian Put the celery stick (cut), half a onion and half a carrot in a pot with the vegetable stock and simmer  until the carrot is almost soft (about 10 minutes from boiling point). Add one pack LeaderBrand beetroot and simmer for 5 more minutes, then turn the heat off and let the vegetables and stock cool down until lukewarm. Blend the soup in a blender and pour back into the pot, heat gently and dish. Top with a broken-up slice of fresh goat cheese, adding freshly ground pepper if desired. Photos and Recipes by ...