Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

Do you agree?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pisa and Firenze...and a Chain before going to London

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini©

Here are my lasts (I promise...for now) photos of Tuscany. Florence is truly special, but I thought not of publishing the photos of Ponte Vecchio, David and Campanile di Giotto which are everywhere. But for is another story. We didn't stay long there, not many visitors do, just Piazza dei Miracoli and the famous tower, and there was an impressive thunderstorm!!! Fortunately we didn't get wet., but the sky was impressive against the Baptistry.

Two days after in Florence was splendid, and hot! We walked around eating ice cream and drinking water. You need good shoes in Florence.

The highlight of my trip was a private tour of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, here are the gardens.

And here the ceilings of the room where we had our aperitivo.

This is the bedroom used by the President of Italy (President, not Prime Minister) when he visits Florence.

And here my one of Filippo Lippi's most beautiful Madonna con Bambino.

Now, Yari from Il Cucchiaio di Legno passed me this chain, if you are keen to do it please go ahead, I have put ten names here (not obliged to do it, of course). And If I didn't put your name but you are keen to do it, just go ahead!

Rules (Eng-Fr-Ita)

1. Put the rule on your blog - Mettre les règles sur votre blog – Mettere le regole sul vostro blog

2. Name the person who sent you this chain and put the link to their blog -
Indiquer le nom de la personne qui vous l’a décerné ainsi qu’un lien vers son blog– Indicare il nome della persona che ve l’ha assegnato così come un collegamento al suo blog.

3. Answer the five questions -
Répondre aux cinq questions – Rispondere alle cinque domande.
4. Send to ten other bloggers (specify their names and links here) -
Transmettre le tag à dix personnes, en précisant noms et blogs – “Taggare” dieci persone, precisando nomi e blog.

Signe particulier:
Segno particolare:

Distinguishing Mark: Talk a lot...? :-)

Mauvais souvenir:
Cattivo ricordo:

Worst memory: (Culinary, I expect...) Collapsing pavlova before a photo shoot...

Souvenir d’enfance:
Ricordo d’infanzia:

Childhood memory: Foraging (berries, mushrooms, greens, chestnuts, wood, anything edible or useful really...)


Defect: Vane, Lazy, Glutton... do you want more?

Film “bonne mine”:
Film preferito:

Favourite movie: The Battleship Potemkin. Seriously! I saw it with the live orchestra once, unforgettable.

(And it is a food related movie)

And here are my 10 names, follow if you like:

Vanille at Down Under
Nigel at Curious Kai
Sasa at Sasasunakku
Enza at Io da Grande
Arfi at HomeMadeS
Bence at Tokyoreloaded
Michael at Herbivoracious
Mangocheeks at Allotment 2 Kitchen

Well, greetings for now, on Monday I am going to London for a week, I will not blog but may have a chance to visit you.


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