Showing posts with label Te Urewera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Te Urewera. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Maori bread and crossing Te Urewera to Wairoa and beyond

Maori (Rewena) Bread

I have never been to this part of New Zealand before, as it not exactly on the tourist route (unless you are a hunter or hiker). It is remote, wild and beautiful, with forest, tiny settlements and kids riding horses without saddles. 
Crossing Te Urewera National Park, spectacular and remote

The large Lake Waikaremoana


 After crossing Te Urewera we spent a night in Wairoa and in the morning we went to a bakery to get some bread for the trip to Hawke's Bay. Well, we don't see this Maori bread (also called Rewena bread) often in bakeries where I live (West-Central Auckland), so we bought some and it was soft and sweet, almost like a cake. Courious Kai has a recipe here if you are interested.

Lake Tutira, perfect for a picnic

Photos by Alessandra Zecchini ©


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