Showing posts with label South Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Africa. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

 (Sorry - blogger does not seem to want me to rearrange the photos!)
This will give a sample of the hundreds of animals we saw - some closer than we wanted!  Zebras, baboons, wildebeast, impalas and many other antelope, warthogs, cape buffalo, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, vultures, giraffes and many more.  Most were at Kruger Park but we also visited other reserves, breeding facilities, animal rehabilitation centers and more.  Most photos were from inside the van - you can see a few photos where animals were right in front of us or beside the road.

More South Africa photos

Here are more photos - this group highlights the mission aspect of our trip.  We have had the privilege of 
 helping to support a small Lutheran seminaro in Pretoria.  Students come from all over Africa, and will return as leaders in their villages.  The couple at the right are leaders in this congregation - her beautiful voice led the a capella singing in Africaans.  Next is a photo of me with Erling.  On the left is Pastor Karl Bohmer, who until recently was pastor of Mount Calvary Lutheran in Gunnison, CO.  At the right is Rev. Nathan Mntambo, pastor of this seminary congregation.  They are experienced big game hunting guides who are also extremely active in many mission projects, including support of this seminary.  Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Weber is president of the seminary as well as bishop of the Lutheran Diocese in South Africa.  His wife also teaches at the seminary.
Gathering for the Sunday service.

Inside the church, before our English service.
Our tour group and local members.
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Tour leaders Danielle and Michael Grosse, me, Erling, Pastor and Mrs. Wilhelm.
 As you can probably tell, we have become quite interested in the support of this project.  Most of these students cannot support themselves, and their local congregations find it difficult to give the aid necessary to sustain them at the seminary.  As a result, many have been turned away.  You can learn more at www.LTS.ORG.ZA, or by contacting us.