Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday Funday

Happy Sunday to everyone!
I hope it has been a good one.

I am so excited because our rose 
bush actually bloomed! Wasn't 
sure it had made through our 
weird winter.

So excited, hopefully more will pop 

On another note, we have had soooo 
much rain here but was able to capture 
this beauty while out shopping one evening. 

 A rainbow popped out!

Three and a half days left of school!!!

~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, August 26, 2019

Something Fun

Good evening! Finally, I have found a 
moment in time to write a post.

Fall is around the corner, so we are 
talking Sunflowers today. Besides 
putting them in vase, I have some 
other ideas to do with these beauties.

Make a Monogram--
Trace a carve a letter out of an Oasis 
sculpting sheet, following the directions 
given. Reinforce the monogram by wrap-
ping floral wire around the form and 
cover with pinned dry moss. 
Moisten the foam and insert 2" 
sunflower stems.

Porch décor--
Paint a crate you fave color, add potted 
plants and vase of sunflowers.

Home décor--
When we go to the sunflower farm over 
Labor Day weekend we are able to cut 
stems for a donation. These are usually 
quite large but I still like to use them on 
our dining room table.
Most floral depts at local grocery stores 
have bundles ready for purchase. Sprinkle 
them around your house in a variety of 
Enjoy and have fun!

~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Surprise!


We have returned! Got back 

in town at 10:00 pm last night.

Let me introduce you to "Wild

Rose", she lives in our backyard
and look what she did while 
we were gone! 

On Friday the roses had not 
bloomed, but with all the rain 
we had, many made an appear-
ance while we were gone.

Such a nice surprise.

When I moved over here, this bush 
was on the fence line with another.
But when we moved them, this one 
survived the other one did not. 
We don't do a whole lot to pamper 
her, water and trims here and there. 
That's it. Hence the name "Wild Rose."

Plus, there are still buds that will
bloom soon.

So, so. so PRETTY!!

Thanks, Wild Rose for the surprise 
this afternoon!

~Keep on Dreaming~

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Peek Into My Pots

Good afternoon friends,
Last week I said that we
would be going to a public
garden but...then I changed
my mind.
As my post title hints we
are here at my house today.

The three above are on a
bench in front of our porch
in front of the swing--Left
to Right: A Marigold, Purple
Salvia, and a Carefree Mix

An Alligator Tears Coleus
sits to the right of the swing.

This is a Wizard Jade Coleus,
it is on the opposite end of the

A lovely Red Geranium
leads you to the back

Opposite the Geranium is
a Veronica Begonia and a
Twisted Red Celosia. Next
to these is a Renee Michelle

As we move out the front
door, I have a Sweet Potato
Vine, Purple Salvia and
a small Fern on the landing.
Next to the front door on
my ladder is a Kingswood
Torch Coleus on the top
and a Bloodleaf Plant on
the bottom.

Off to the right of the front
door is a Lantana and another
Coleus (twin on the deck).
*The wagon is mine from when
I was a little girl.

Going down the stairs,
another Geranium, a
Blackeyed Susan and
a mixed pot of Yellow
Marigolds, Purple
Petunias and a Red

Last but not least, Another
variety of Sweet Potato Vine.

We do container gardening
here because our soil is so
acidic and without amending
it A LOT nothing grows! There
is one exception to this and
you will see that soon.

So there you have it a peek
into my pots!  :)

~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, April 23, 2012

Playing in the Dirt

On Saturday we spent some
time at our favorite garden
center. They have some of
THE best flowers and veggies
here in the city.

 Here is what we picked
up: three tomato plants,
six pepper plants, two
geraniums, 2 sets of
marigolds, one six pack
of a marbled coleus,
potting soil, moss and
some seed packs--corn,
radishes, turnips, grass
and butterfly flowers.

The geraniums are
hanging out in the
wagon on the front

I had this wire basket
that was picked up at
a garage sale, not sure
of what I wanted to do
with it--I held on to it.
Recently I saw in a
magazine a basket filled
with the moss, my light
buld went on and I made
one of my own! It lives
on the back deck. I
really like how it turned

While I was working
on these, Mr. Ken was
playing in the dirt.
He planted the peppers,
radishes and the corn.
Still need to get the
tomatoes in. We are
going to have a great
garden this year! Pics
Thanks so much for
your wonderful words
of wisdom on my last
post. Your thoughts,
prayers AND support
mean so much to me!

~Keep on Dreaming~

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