Showing posts with label Warm Fuzzie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Warm Fuzzie. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lighthearted Humor

Today calls for a little fun...

*What did the Pacific Ocean
say to the Atlantic Ocean?

Nothing he just waved.

*What did one wall say to
another wall?

I'll meet you at the corner.

*What did the paper say to
the pencil?

Write on!

*What has four wheels and

A garbage truck.

*What kind of car does Mickey
Mouse's wife drive?

A minnie van.

Hope these put a smile on
your face today.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Oh, Happy Day!

image: Google

It was a hectic morning
at our house so I decided
to go through one of these
on the way to school.
I ordered and pulled around,
when I handed my money to
the drive through guy he said
the nicest thing to me. " Go
ahead, the car in front of you
paid for your order." I was so
dumb struck that I almost
forgot to pull forward. :) 
I also wanted to thank the
person in front of me. Luckily
they were looking in their
rear view mirror and saw me
wave my thanks!
After I got my food and drove
off, I thought-oh, I should of
done the same for the person behind me. So my friends,
that is my mission--to pay for someone else's order when I
am in the drive through. It
really made my day!
What a super way to pay it
forward and help someone
else have a great day!

~Keep on Dreaming~

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