Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outdoors. Show all posts

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Look Oh, Look!


Did you see it last night?


The moon you say? No the


There are three full moons
and two (back in Jan.) new
moons. That is a total of
five Supermoons this year.

The next full moon will occur
on Aug. 10th and then another
will occur on Sept. 9th.
The full moon in August will
be the closest Supermoon of
the year.

According to the web a
Supermoon is "a new or
full moon at or near (w/i
90% of) it's closest
approach to earth in a
given year."

So if you missed this
one check out the on
in August!

~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Day at the Lake

Yesterday we went to the LAKE! Yes, I said the lake. I know it is Winter but our temps were in the 60's! In January--can you believe it? We decided to explore a lake that we had not been to. Wyandotte lake is north of where we live. Imagine a southerly breeze, warm sun and beautiful winter nature to look at. Enjoy!
Geese! LOTS of them!
Just letting the lake
bob them along.
If you look close at the above
photo, you can see where the
lake is still frozen from our
last cold spurt.
What fun we had exploring!
It was great to be outside w/o
a coat and enjoy the beauty of
winter on a 60 degree day in
Hope you enjoyed your visit!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Planting, Pampering Plants and a Power Nap

Today I finished planting what flowers I had to pot! These came from a 75% off sale at our local Westlake Ace Hardware store. The water can goes in front of a chair in front of our double garage, the geraniums will go on the deck , as will the ferns and the little green plant on the third step up will set next to a plant I have on a chair on the front porch. Planting has been a little rough this year due to all the rain, the heat and trying to get a lot done elsewhere. We were able to get the tomatoes staked before it got so blasted HOT!!!! The garden is still a bit "weedy" but we'll get to that soon. At least the tomatoes don't look so out of control. As soon as everyone gets to their new homes I'll get some pics up for you to see. We wee soooo hot and tired after being out in the heat, it was time for a "POWER NAP!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For those of you who might of missed my stimulating Trivia on July--see yesterday's post. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DON'T FORGET THAT FRIDAY IS AN EXCITING DAY HERE AT DREAMING!!!!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer in Our Backyard

On this last day of August I thought I'd take you on a tour of our backyard. "Are you coming?"... First we have Ms. Chipmunk helping herself to breakfast on the deck--- birdseed. She doesn't wait for an invitation. Okay we'll take the steps to your right and go into the backyard. Please follow me over to the area by the backstairs to where we have a repurposed porch swing---now a plant bench. Mr. Ken put the legs on for me. We'll move across the yard now...Are you keeping up? Here we have the "Memorial Bird Garden"--in memory of my Mom, she loved to watch the birds frolic around. There are Marigolds planted around the birdbath. Shall we move on? This area is next to our shed in the back part of our yard. When we got our new grill several years ago I repurposed this into a planter--Moss Rose is the occupant this year. Off we go... Our last stop is the west side yard--yes, it is HOT on this side of the house but we won't be here long. Since it IS soo hot over here we have given up growing ANYTHING (weeds like the heat). Off to your left as you look at this picture we have put down red mulch and GREAT BIG decorative rocks. Going towards the front of the house you will see this birdbath and flowerpot that holds birdseed. That's the end of our tour. We hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into our backyard. Fall is just around the corner so enjoy these last days of summer. ~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, August 24, 2009

A Day In The Sun

Yesterday Ken and I spent some quality time outside. We went downtown and watched from a bridge-The Kansas City Aviation and Airshow. We joined many families and couples who came to see the show. I decided that we would take our lunch so, I packed the insulated picnic bag and we stopped for sandwiches, chips and sodas. Mr. Ken drove us downtown and we parked down the hill from the bridge then made our way up to the bridge and picked a place to sit and have our picnic while watching the planes. There were aerobatics-flying straight up. and straight down. This plane carried the parachuters. This picture shows four of the six aircraft civilian formation aerobatic team. They did formation stunts sometimes four planes and sometimes all six. Some of the contrails from the aerobatic team. We also heard before we saw the US Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcon. It flew over soooo fast that a picture was IMPOSSIBLE! What a fun time we had sitting in the sun, having a picnic and watching a lot of talented pilots. ~Keep on Dreaming~

Friday, August 21, 2009

Out For A Drive

Today was another beautiful day and I had a case of cabin fever due to being home for two days with tummy issues. I think part of it is allergies too. Sooooo Mr. Ken took me out for a drive. We ended up at Shawnee Mission Park here is town. As you can see the water was a lovely blue. Here we have two people taking advantage of the weather. It was windy today so this boat was MOVING!
While we were driving through the park, Ken and I were
pondering whether we would see "the deer." You see these cute little darlings have been in the news lately. They kinda have made a bit of a nusanse of themselves
to neighboring homes. So now the "Big Idea" is to have
an organized kill to decrease the enormous amount
in the park. I understand the issue BUT there has to be
a better way to control them! Aren't they pretty?
This looked to be a doe checking out the surroundings.
This is "Big Buck" check out those antlers!
***Photo alert--the deer pictures were taken while I was
facing the sun and they were in the shadows. They didn't
seem to mind that I was there so I didn't get too close--
I didn't want to frighten them.
~Keep on Dreaming~

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Quiet Place

Do you have a swing? No? Well I believe ever-
one needs one! They are good for quiet time,
planning the next project, reading, watching
the bunnies, squirrels and birds play. It's
also a good spot the "supervise" one's grill
master while he is grilling dinner.
Sometimes I just sit in the swing and let my
mind wander. It's cheaper than therapy.
Mr. Ken sometimes joins me and we chat
or just sit quietly together. This is one of
my favorite times. If you don't have a swing
GET ONE they are wonderful or if you have
a quiet spot enjoy it and let your mind wander.
~Keep on Dreaming~

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