Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

And The Winner Is.....

17 names were put in a bowl for my SUMMER MYSTERY GIVEAWAY! My helpful assistant put his hand in and mixed all the names up. He pulled out a slip of paper and guess who won??? The winner is......... Marydon from "Blushing Rose." Yea! She will receive some fun goodies that I picked out! Remember it was a mystery giveaway-I will reveal the goodies after I mail them to her! *********************************** Marydon: please email me with your address. Thanks again to everyone for your wonderful comments, love and support! Love to ALL of YOU! ~Keep on Dreaming~

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fun, Fun, Fun

I have had some fun things happen to me lately. On Tuesday, I found a bouquet of Daffodils on my desk at school. One of my coworkers brought them in for us. What a nice surprise. They are so pretty!
I won a Giveaway over at
Carol sent me this wonderful
book with really neat ideas
for creating family treasures.
Fun gifts for birthdays, showers,
anniversaries etc. She also sent a
recipe book filled with A LOT of
YUMMY ideas.
Thanks Carol!!!!!
Debbie at ouroldhomestead. gave me an
award! Thank you!!!!
Debbie and her husband
live and enjoy a slower,
simplier way of life in
It is the Liebster Award.
Liebster is a German word
meaning beloved or dearest
but can also mean favorite.
This award is given to a
talented and/or loved bloggers
who have less than 200 followers.
This is a means to create new
connections and bring attention
to these blogs.
Acceptance of the award means:
1) Acknowledge and thank the
blogger who nominated you.
2) Add award to your blog.
3) Pass to others.
Here are my nominees:
1--Elizabeth at Gossamer Wings.
She is a talented seamstress with
a delightful Esty shop. She can
create the most yummy looking
recipes and enjoys her family.
2--Carol at Around the House.
She loves her family and pets,
is a fellow Kansan and enjoys
creating beautiful cards and
scrapbook pages.
3--AnnMarie at Candlelight
AnneMarie has one of THE
most restful blogs I have ever
been to! It is so peaceful to
visit and find out what is
going on in the cottage.
You will find these wonderful
blogs on my sidebar. Please
take some time to visit them.
All of the ladies are wonderful!
So is Debbie.
Thanks for staying with me on
this post--it was long but I had
stuff to share with you. :)
Blogger is messing with this
post--tried to switch colors
but to no avail!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Little Catch-up

Lookie, Lookie!
A few weeks ago, I won a
giveaway at Mountain
Marla's hubby took her
on a trip to New Mexico
and she brought some
goodies back a couple of
them happened to be in
the giveaway!
There was Chai Tea Bath
Salts, Handmade Goats
Milk Soap, a jar gripper,
a trinket box, two tea
infusers, Vanilla lotion
and body wash.
My favorite scent!!!
Thanks Marla--Love
it all.
~Keep on Dreaming~

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Giveaway Reveal!!!

It's REVEAL DAY! One lucky follower of Country Dreaming will win the lovely package of goodies as seen above.
We are VERY scientific here at
L, Inc. All of those little pieces
of paper are your thumbnail pics
from my followers section. I cut
them out and laid them on a
placemat w/o looking at them.
Here we have my associate Mr. Ken
and he has chosen the lucky person!
This is THE very important envelope
that the chosen one's name will go in
Mr. Ken is putting the lucky name
in the envelope. NO LOOKING!
It will them be sealed and kept
Oh, the SUSPENSE, the DRAMA!
The envelope has been opened!!
Valerie from:
OR--From Our Front Porch Looking
Congratulations!!!! Yea!!
A GREAT big THANK YOU to all
of you that have followed me this
past year. It has been great getting
know all of you and I look forward to
visiting more with each of you.
As always more followers more fun
so if you like me and my silliness,
please recommend Country
Dreaming to your friends then we
can all have fun TOGETHER!!!!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy, Happy, Happy

It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend. :) Just wanted to show you what I won! A book from Joy at "Books and Life." She included a nice note and a bookmark. Thanks~~~Joy! Can't wait to start reading it.
~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, December 7, 2009

We Have A WINNER!!!!!

As the title states--"We have a winner!!"
These are the eight names that were entered into
the "Kansas City Christmas" giveaway.
Each tag was folded and then mixed up in the bowl.
Drumroll please----Our winner is Karen--Over the
Backyard Fence! Yea! Yea! Karen will recieve goodies
from right here in the KC area. There will be a post
on this at a later date.
Karen if you will email me your address I'll get your
goodies to you!!!!
Thanks to all who entered!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

And the Winner is..

Look at all the bloggers that were eligible for
the drawing.
Here is Casper, he is taking time out from
watching the Baseball Championship Series
to help with choosing a winner.
The names for the drawing were placed in
Casper chose Ken to assist him.
Here we go!
Casper's assistant has chosen the winning
name. Drum Roll Please.
The winner is...
CARRIE of COTTAGE COZY! Congratulations.
Carrie please email me your address so I can
send your surprise package.
Thanks to all of you who participated in my
1000th visitor giveaway. Keep on visting.
I will post pictures of Carrie's package soon.
~Keep on Dreaming~

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