Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Evening Surprise

Softly the evening came.
The sun from the western
horizon like a magician
extended his golden want
o'er the landscape. Trinkling
vapors arose; and sky and
water and forest seemed
all on fire at the touch and
melted and mingled together.

~~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

These were taken last night
at sunset. What a pleasant
surprise when I happend to
look out the window!

~Keep on Dreaming~

Thursday, May 2, 2013

WHAT????? CRAZY!!!!

Yes, Dorothy we ARE in

Snow!!! That's right. On
the Hosta.

In the neighbor's yard.

The deck.

The front yard. If you look
closely you can see the
flakes flying past
the camera!

We could set a record
tomorrow, if we get 1.8
inches. 100 years ago
tomorrow we had over
an inch of snow here in
Kansas City! Oh boy!!!

The metro are is under a
Winter Weather Advisory
also. Unbelievable I tell ya!
Mother Nature needs some

I guess one day we will resume
regular programing of Spring


~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, January 28, 2013

Wacky Weather

Today here in Kansas City it was 74 degrees!!!!
Can you believe it? It is still January right?
The old record for today was 65.

We enjoyed a nice l o n g recess this afternoon.

Window rolled down in the car on the way home.

Back door open all evening.

It was a glorious January day.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Update: Today (Tuesday) We are under
a Winter Weather Advisory and it
will begin thunderstorms! Go figure.

Please keep our friends in Australia
in your prayers. They are having a
tough time with their weather too.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Picture Perfect

Saturday was a beautifully
warm Fall day. This is a
tree that is at the top of
our street. Still in it's Fall

Saturday sunset #1.
Before the rain came in
that night.

Sunset pic #2. Same
evening-higher in the
sky. I find it interesting
that this one came out
more blue.

Sunset pic #3. This one
was taken a little to the
left of the others.
They remind me of water-
color pictures.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Storms vs Sun

This morning we had a small
percentage of rain.
I took these beautiful pics with
my phone as I left our neighbor-
hood to go to work.
I'm sure I irritated my fellow
drivers but I could not resist
not taking these.
One minute it was cloudy and
sprinkling and then the sun
would peek out, the next
minute it was cloudy again.
The first four were taken in
the neighborhood and the
last one was taken on a busier
street, just as the light had
turned green.
Weather is soooooo interesting!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Oh, My Goodness!!!

This evening's sunset!
What more can I say? Awesome!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oh Joy !!!!

The season's FIRST SNOW!
According to the weatherman
this was supposed to be "flurries."
It didn't amount to any accuulation
but it sure made a mess getting to work
this morning. The first snow sure does
throw drivers for a loop. :) We may get a
little more later in the week.
***Thanks to all for the sweet wishes
for our anniversary.
~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, June 20, 2011


Big storm a coming . NO POST tonight! Hopefully one tomorrow!!!! ~Keep on Dreaming~

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mother Nature

Laying low tonight. Thunderstorms and possible tornados for us. See you soon! Please continue to keep those in Joplin, Mo in' your prayers. ~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, March 14, 2011

What is SHE Thinking?????

Today is the first day of my "Spring " Break and THIS is what I woke up too. Pretty funny huh??? :)

That Mother Nature, she is a funny one. I guess this is her reminder that we are still having Winter for one more week. Ha! Ha! Oh well, the sun is trying to come out and the temps for the rest of the week are supposed to be really nice!!!!

If you are on break--ENJOY!!!!

~Keep on Dreaming~

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Brrrrrrr....The North Wind Doth Blow!!!

"Baby it's cold outside...."
"The weather outside is
We are having a cold snap here
and it is FREEZING COLD!!!!
Yesterday it was almost 60
degrees and today it is 22 degrees!
The wind is whipping around the
house and the wind chimes are
singing their songs.
We have been to the store and have
goodies for a few of these cold days.
My plan for today is CHRISTMAS
decorating!!!!! The village is arriving
and the tinsel tree will arrive today or
tomorrow! Plus decorations. Pics will
be posted later.
Stay warm my friends and enjoy
the rest of your weekend!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Saturday, March 20, 2010

W H A T ???????????

This little girl who sits on our deck is asking THIS morning "WHAT SEASON IS IT?" Yes, that is SNOW on her head! You heard me right--I said SNOW. Right now we have round 2 going on. Somewhere between 3-8 inches is what is forecasted for our area. She looks a little perplexed don't you think?

I guess we'll have to pull these out again.

Kinda crazy if you ask me. Oh well...


~Keep on Dreaming~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Forcast Calls for Snow and Bitter Winds!

Good Morning! You can't tell by the picture but it is the morning here. We woke up to a dusting or so of snow and bitterly cold winds. I think we moved to the tundra and I wasn't told about this! Of coures my school district thinks it is warm enough for all of us to be out in this! So I'm off to work! To quote two songs: "The weather outside is frightful." "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it snow." Have a wonderfully warm day! ~Keep on Dreaming~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

I'm not against rain but....I have had it ! We've had rain each day over the past few days. I guess the rain felt like our students needed to be greeted on their first day! Now, I know that you Mom's out there manage to get kids in and out of cars when it's raining so you wouldn't think getting kids off buses in the rain would be that hard RIGHT? WRONG--We ARE talking about child- ren with special needs, no spatial concepts, selective listening (stay out of the puddles) and most think that help is needed with holding the dang umbrella! Please don't think I'm making fun of my kids, I just speak reality. :) This had been my morning at work since Monday. At home the yard is a wreck, the garden has gone WILD, and we can't get to the grill because the ground is muddy in front of it. I guess the upside of it all is that we haven't had to water as much and the flowers and grass look good. Well...the grass will look good when it can be mowed. I will be glad for some SUN! Which we are SUPPOSED to get the rest of the week into the weekend! YEA! Hopefully the weatherman will be as right about the sun as he was about the rain. ~Keep on Dreaming~

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unusual Summertime Weather

Summer in the Midwest should be HOT right???? Well not this year, we have broken three records for low temperatures this summer. Now I'm not complaining---It's just so unusual. I'm more of a cool weather person and Mr. Ken is the hot weather person. He's not complaining either. We have been able to have more "deck dinners" recently--we love to eat outside and we enjoy watching the bunnies run around, the fireflies flicker and the neighbor kids playing. The extra rain we have gotten with the cool weather has been beneficial to the yards, garden and flowers. By this time of year the Midwest land has turned yellow and the flowers have lost some of their"perkiness" so it's nice to still have flowers and a green lawn to enjoy. The tomatoes are wild and we have more peppers than we know what to do with. Time to get the salsa recipe out . Enjoy the weather wherever you may be. ~Keep on Dreaming~

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